Saturday, May 22, 2010

Caden's 1st month

I can't believe Caden will be one month old tomorrow.  He's tipping the scales at 8lbs now; he's a little guy.  At his last checkup, he was in the 82nd percentile for height & only the 25th percentile for weight.  Hopefully, his weight gain pace will pick up a little this next month.

He went out to a restaurant last night for his first dinner out on the town.  He did great.  We were glad b/c I definitely needed to get out of the house. 

Here's a picture from this afternoon.

Here are a couple of tummy time pictures from the last few weeks.  Sometimes he likes tummy time, and sometimes he hates it.

He loves his Bevo paci.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Caden's 1st two weeks

Caden is two weeks old today.  We're adjusting to less sleep.  The first week was pretty rough, but the past few days have been much better.

Here are a few pictures of Caden coming home from the hospital.  Mommy and Caden before we left the hospital.

Daddy and Caden before we left the hospital.

First ride in the car.

First family photo.

First time in his bouncer.  He likes the vibration.

Hanging out after a bath.

We borrowed a pink swaddling blanket from a friend.  It works like a charm; we need to go buy a blue one for Caden.  Here he is still swaddled. 

And here he is waking up from his nap.

Caden's arrival

Caden James was born on April 23 at 11:57am.  He weighed 7lb 11oz and was 20in long. 

Meeting Mommy for the 1st time.

Meeting Daddy for the 1st time.