Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big Boy!

Caden had his 6 month check up today.  He is 21 lbs 5 oz (97th percentile) and 27.25 inches (77th percentile)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Green Beans? No Thanks!

Wasn't sure if this day would come, but we have discovered something that Caden will not eat. :)  Apparently, he hates green beans.  I may try them again in a few weeks, but he made it very clear Sunday night that he did NOT want to eat them.  We, of course, thought his faces of disgust were hilarious, so we had to tape them.  Here is one of the video's we took...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

6 months

Caden turned 6 months yesterday.  His doctors appointment is next Thursday; I'm looking forward to seeing how big he is.  Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Caden and I went to the fair two weeks ago.  Here's a picture of Caden & I in front of Big Tex.

He loves standing in front of the mirror.

I painted his name on a pumkin.

Our little monkey!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

5 1/2 Months

Here are a few pictures from the past two weeks & a video from this weekend.

Making funny faces during tummy time.

More tummy time.

He's getting really good at sitting.  Here's a video of him today.
So I did my first art project since he's been born this weekend.  We got my Mom's toy box from when she was little.  Here's a before picture.

And an after pic.  The brown paint is chalk paint, so he can color on it, too!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We had a great time in California. We stayed at a beautiful hotel in Santa Barbara the first 2 nights. The beach was right across the street from our hotel.

Here's a picture of Caden's first time at the ocean.

Then we headed down to San Diego for the weekend. Here's a picture of us all at dinner on Friday night.

The boys all got in their Texas attire for the game on Saturday afternoon.

Caden got to meet his cousin Wyatt for the 1st time.

And a family pic at Balboa Park.