Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nine Months

Caden turned 9 months on Sunday; I can't believe he's that old.  I took him to the doctor today for his nine month well visit.  He is 23 lbs 6 oz (90th percentile) and 29 1/4" (75 percentile), and his head is still off the charts big.  We pulled out the tunnel that we gave him for Christmas this weekend.  Here is a video of him crawling through it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Swimming and standing in the bath

The past week has been rough.  Caden and I both felt pretty bad last weekend.  I took him to the doctor on Monday, and he has ear infections in both ears.  I feel much better now, but he is still recovering.  Unfortunately, Caden and I had to cancel our trip to Houston to see his cousins this week, but hopefully, we'll get to head down there soon.

Because he's been pretty grumpy this week, I haven't taken any pictures or videos.  He still loves bath time.  Here is a video from about three weeks ago of him "swimming" in the tub.

He loves pulling himself up to stand everywhere.  He's started doing it repeatedly when he's in the bath tub.  Here he is last week standing up and sitting down at the end of his bath.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Crawling up the step

We haven't made any real progress with our house yet.  We're waiting for the insurance company to approve the estimate.  Hopefully, we can get the ball rolling on a few things next week.

Caden is getting much more agile every day.  He's crawling everywhere; he can now climb up the step out of the living room.  & he's starting to cruise, but he's still pretty cautious cruising.  Here are a few pictures of Caden playing this week.  He just loves these cups.

He loves playing on the outside of his jumperoo now.

He really likes playing with spoons, spatulas, and tupperware that I give him while I'm in the kitchen.  These distract him for a few minutes, but he really prefers pulling out drawers.  Here he is chewing on a spatula earlier this week.

Here's a video of Caden crawling up the step out of the living room a few days ago.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another crawling video

The clean up company finally took the fans away at 8pm on Sunday night.  It's so nice to not have the noisy fans in half the house anymore.  Now we're just waiting on estimates from the insurance company as we're trying to figure out exactly what we want to do.

He's getting more comfortable crawling everyday.  Here's a video of him slowly meandering across the living room earlier this week.  He's much faster when I have my back turned than when I'm taping him.  The red light is still quite a distraction to him.