Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's a Girl!!!

Our sonogram this morning confirmed that Caden will have a little sister.

Here's a profile picture.

And here's her face straight on.  Her head is on the left; you can see her eyes, nose, and mouth.  You could see on the sonogram that her mouth was opening and closing as she was drinking the amniotic fluid.

Caden and I went to the Arboretum again yesterday.  He had fun playing with the pumpkins.  Here he is carrying one around.

He also enjoyed playing inside the Pumpkin Village.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Caden is getting so good at saying so many words.  I feel like he says something new every day.  This morning Caden borrowed the mop from the maids.  I was in the kitchen packing his lunch for Mother's Day Out, when he walked in carrying the mop.  I asked if he took the mop from the maids and he shook his head.  And then a few minutes later, I asked what he had and he said, "mop".  I grabbed the flip and got him saying it again.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's Fall!

The weather has finally cooled off, and it's gorgeous here.  And the Arboretum has their pumpkin displays out, so we spent Tue morning at the Arboretum.

I was hoping to get a few good pictures, but he just had no interest in standing still.  Every single one of my pictures is him walking away or him pointing and talking about something.  Here he is in the middle of their main pumpkin display.  He just kept pointing and saying "ball".

They also have a petting zoo there.  He was a little unsure of the animals when he was inside the fence.

He preferred to watch them from the other side of the fence.

We had a huge hail storm this week.  It hailed for a good 15 minutes.  I went outside to take pictures a few minutes after it stopped, but given the fact that it was 90 degrees a good bit of the ice had melted.  But here are a few pictures.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dr. Caden and Mr. Clean

Caden has a stethoscope toy.  He has learned to hold it up to his or our chest and make a "bum bum" heart beat sound.  I didn't get a great video, but here he is sort of doing it.

We went to Pottery Barn Kids yesterday for their story time.  He had absolutely no interest in sitting and listening to the lady read.  But he did find the toys they have out for testing.  He LOVED the vacuum.  He played with the vacuum for a good 30 minutes.  I had to pull him away literally kicking and screaming when it was time to leave.  Here's a picture I took of him on my cell phone.

Since Caden's art class has ended, we got him an easil.  Here he is drawing with chalk last week.

Here he is today playing with play-doh.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Animal noises

Over the past few weeks, Caden has gotten really good at doing animal noises.  He still isn't too cooporative when I pull out the video camera, but today he actually did a few of them for the camera.

Here are a couple of the sounds that he knows...a dog, a lion, and a monkey.  Usually, he'll move his arms like a monkey when he does his monkey noises, but today he was too busy pulling out pots and pans.

We finally bought a booster chair for Caden to either sit at the table or the bar to eat.  He played in the box for quite some time today, just climbing in and out over and over again.