Thursday, March 29, 2012

Annabelle is 1 month old!

Yesterday Annabelle turned one month old.  I took her to the doctor for a weight check and she weighed 7 lb, 14 oz.  Here are a few pictures from this week.

Annabelle with her "1 mo" sticker on...

Annabelle went to church for the first time on Sunday.  She looked so cute in her adorable little dress...

We moved Annabelle out of her infant sleeper in our room and into her crib this week. 

One of Caden's friends had us over for an Easter party and egg hunt yesterday.  This was Caden's first easter egg hunt.  We have another one this Saturday, so the kids are getting a few opportunities to wear the Easter bunny shirts that I appliqued for them. 

Caden had a blast. 

We tried to round all the kids up for a picture, but they weren't interested. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Annabelle is 3 weeks!

Yesterday Annabelle turned three weeks.  She's been such a good baby so far.  Here are a few pictures from her first few weeks.
Exercising on her back in a onesie that I made for her.

Resting in her swing.

Here are Mommy, Daddy and Annabelle before A's first appointment at the pediatrician.

I bought "month" stickers to take a pic of A each month w the corresponding sticker.  Here's the first picture...

A's first tummy time...

Caden's "baby"

Caden is such a great big brother.  He's so interested in taking care of a baby, he's started treating his monkey like his baby.  He's been changing his diaper, fedding him, putting him to bed, reading to him, etc.

Here he is putting his baby night night with a bottle and a paci.

Here he is reading to his baby. 

& feeding his baby. 

He asks to hold Annabelle sometimes.  Here he is holding her.

One of Annabelle's onesies matches a pair of Caden's pj's.  Here they are in their matching tops.

Caden enjoys spending tummy time with his sister.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Potty time

So Caden has been fairly interested in the potty off and on over the past two months or so.  There have been more times than I can count that he's asked to sit on the potty.  He has yet to actually go on it until last night.  I have absolutely no desire to attempt potty training anytime soon, but when he asks to go, I oblige.  But last night when he was sitting on the potty before his bath, he actually went.  He was so proud of himself.  Here's a pic of him on the potty.

Annabelle had her newborn pictures yesterday.  It'll be about 2 weeks before the photographer has all the pictures ready for us, but here are a few preview pictures that she prepared for us.

I love her little smirk in this picture.

I took this picture over the photographers shoulder with my iphone.  She looks so precious...I can't wait to see what the photographer got with this pose.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Annabelle Julia Jolly

Annabelle Julia Jolly was born on Tuesday, February 28 at 2:11pm.  She weighed 7lb, 3oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.  We're adjusting to having a newborn again, but overall she's been a pretty good baby this first week.  Caden seems to be doing pretty well with her too.  Saturday morning, the day after we came home from the hospital, he walked into our bedroom and said, "baby night night, diaper, eating?"  It took him less than a day to realize eat, sleep & pooh are all she does right now :).

Our last picture as a family of three before we headed to the hospital last Tuesday.

Right after birth... 

Getting checked out...

Meeting Mommy...

Meeting Daddy...

Thursday morning Caden, Nana, Mimi, and Tia came up to the hospital to visit.  Here's Annabelle meeting Caden...

With Mimi...

With Nana...

With Tia...

Friday we headed home from the hospital.  Here's Annabelle and Mommy before we loaded her in her car seat.

And here she is in her seat...