Sunday, January 27, 2013

Annabelle is 11 months!

Tomorrow Annabelle will be 11 months old.  I can't believe how big she's getting.  I feel like she's really losing the baby look.  She's still such a happy little girl...adventurous, yet cautious.  She freely roams around her Kindermusik class, where as, Caden would never venture very far away from my lap.  She loves to stand all over the place and cruise a little, but her cautiousness is quite apparent if you try to get her to "walk" too much.  She will walk while holding your fingers, somewhat reluctantly, so I will be surprised if she takes her first steps before her birthday, like her big brother did.  Yet her fine motor skills seem to be ahead of where Caden's were at this age, which, according to our doctor, is generally typical of boy vs girl development.

Here she is with her month sticker on today.  She was posing "MJ" style the whole time...silly little monkey wouldn't put her tongue in her mouth.
Some more pictures from today. 
And the tongue is still out :)
Annabelle loves playing peek a boo crawling around the coffee table.  This was also a favorite game of Caden's at this age. 
We made a pillow pile to climb over earlier this week. 


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New car seats

Annabelle has outgrown her infant carrier.  We moved Caden to a new car seat that will convert to a booster when he's big enough, and then we moved Annabelle into Caden's old seat.
The weather has been gorgeous the past week.  We have all been enjoying being outside, playing at the park, etc. after the cold weather and snow that we've had over the last month.  Caden enjoyed cutting the grass...
Annabelle always has fun watching her big brother. 
Two little drivers having fun at the grocery store last week... 
I finished the kids' Valentine's Day shirts last weekend. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

10 months

Annabelle turned 10 months the week before last.  She's getting so big...climbing on everything, standing up everywhere, and walking behind/pushing toys around.  She's still so happy and she loves to clap.  We weighed her tonight, and she's right at 22 pounds, so it's time to retire the infant car seat. 

Annabelle is still saying "Mama" and "baba" all the time.  Much to Brian's dismay, she's still pretty stingy with saying "Dada".  She said her first word last week; she picked up a ball and said, "baa".  And she repeated "moo" to me when I was reading a farm animal book to her.  She's also started waving.

Here are a few pictures in her month sticker.

Caden and Annabelle are really starting to play well together.  I love watching them interact.
The new Perot Nature and Science Museum opened up last month.  We went last week to check it out.  We just hung out in the Children's Museum, which honestly was a little disappointing.  It isn't nearly as big as the children's portion of the old NSM at Fair Park.  They do have a construction area that Caden enjoyed.
And a crawl area for babies.
As I mentioned, Annabelle is all over the place.  Here she is climbing on Caden's chair.
We went to the zoo for the first time in quite some time last week.  Since it's January and the first week for school to be back in session, there was no one there.  Four of the penguins were waddling around out of their habitat exhibit for a photo shoot.
After they were done, the zookeeper brought one up to us to pet it.  Caden was too scared to touch her, but I did.  She was really soft.