Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Brian took Caden to his first baseball game on Father's Day.  They went up to Frisco for a Rough Riders game with Mimi.
Caden had no interest in smiling.
Annabelle and Daddy.  Annabelle is wearing a dress that I made for her. 
We've been enjoying swimming.  Caden doesn't have any interest in putting his face in the water, but he loves "swimming" around the pool with his puddle jumper floatie on.  Annabelle on the other hand has no fear at all.  It's a little scary because she's just jump right in.  I have to hold her arm every second, unless she's in the baby float.

Annabelle's 15 months

A little late posting this, since she's actually inching up on 16mo.  Annabelle's stat's at her 15 month appointment were 25.6 lbs (85%), 31.5" (75%), and 48.2 cm head circumference (95%).
Annabelle loves pushing her stroller around.
Happy girl. 
Tried to get a pic of them together at the Arboretum a few weeks ago.  Not much interest in smiling for Mommy. 
Sweet hugs. 
The Arboretum has an Alice in Wonderland exhibit area right now.  Annabelle was terrified of Alice. 
Pretty blue eyes. 
Caden at 15 months.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Girls Weekend

I got together with my two best friends from high school over the Memorial Day weekend.  Rebekah flew in from San Francisco, and Melissa drove over from where she lives a little South of Fort Worth.  We spent the night at a nice hotel near downtown Sat night, and we had so much fun!  And Brian enjoyed his Daddy duty weekend.

We got massages and mani/Pedi's at the spa.

Relaxed by the pool.
And went out to a nice dinner.
Then (1994) and now....what was I thinking with my hair?