Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Fun Days at Fair Park

Fair Park is open all summer for the first time this year.  They are having something called Summer Fun Days.  We went down there last week with a group of friends and had a really good time.  I'm glad they're using the park for something outside the 3 weeks in the Fall that the State Fair is there.

The first "ride" we did was the Texas Tower.  Annabelle enjoyed her view.
Caden and his friend Tessa enjoying the ride. 
Caden and his friends rode a handful of rides.  Annabelle even got to ride one hot air balloon ride that spun around and went up and down.  Caden loved that one, but Annabelle was a little scared.  We ate lunch in the green house.  It had train tracks set up throughout it that the boys just loved.  One train was led by Thomas and one by Percy; it was very exciting!
We swim pretty much every day.  Here are the kids giving each other a hug and enjoying a snack after their swim. 
Poor Annabelle got a shiner on Friday.  She was trying to climb over her Pottery Barn Kids chair like Caden was doing, and she fell over and hit her head on the wall. 
Annabelle loves yogurt and feeding herself.

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July

We had a good 4th.  We went to a friend's house and to our neighborhood parade.

Annabelle and I before the parade.
The kids and a few of their friends lined up for the parade. 

Caden's 3yr appointment

Caden finally had his 3 year check up at the doctor this past week.  They measured him at 38.5" (75%); although, he was totally slouching, so I think he's a little taller than that.  And he clocked in at 36.6 lbs (92%). 
Keeping them entertained in the little room while we're waiting for the dr is quite the challenge.  Annabelle did have fun checking herself out in the mirror.
The weather has been really nice lately.  Highs in the 80's.  We're trying to enjoy being outside before it's in the 100's.  They had fun at the park this week.
Here's Annabelle flying a plane at the flight museum last weekend.
Caden puts Annabelle to work in the yard.
The kids love brushing their teeth. 
A pant less cleaning crew came to our house last week.