Monday, December 30, 2013

Juillerat Christmas 2013

We headed over to Tyler on Christmas day to celebrate with Nana, Papa, Great Nanny, Jeffrey, Bob, Rebecca, Abby, Jack, Hallie, and James.

 Again, Annabelle wanted no part of the cousin tree picture :(. 
A lame attempt at a family pic in front of the tree.  Caden refused to even be in the shot, and Annabelle was trying to escape.  Here's to hoping for cooperation next Christmas!

 Time to open some [more] presents!
 Annabelle loves her new purse with hair styling supplies!
Abby was pretty excited about the game we got her.
Caden with his new Forklift truck.
And his new Lego's.
Hallie helped Annabelle open her Aquadoodle.
Annabelle loves to draw! 
Annabelle was so excited about her new clothes from Nana and Papa that she tried to put them on immediately.
After celebrating Christmas, we headed to a near by park to hike the trails.
Caden had so much fun keeping up with his big cousins. 
Annabelle couldn't quite hang, and she had to be carried a good portion of the time.  She actually wanted to be down on the ground, but she just wanted to play with the rocks, and she wouldn't walk or even try to keep up with the big kids. 
After we walked the nature trails, the kids played on the playground.  Here's Annabelle on the ATV.
Caden and Papa had fun climbing. 
Caden with Papa and James. 
The next day, we headed to a different park for the kids to burn some energy.  They have recently redone this park, and it's so much fun.  There's an old caboose, fire truck, and tractor...right up Caden's alley.
 Caden, James, and Abby on the fire truck.
Annabelle on the fire truck. 
Caden, Annabelle, and Hallie on the merry go round. 
Back at the house Jack, Jeffrey, Abby, and I played Abby's new game.
Here's a picture of me, Bob, and Jeffrey.

Christmas morning 2013

We spent Christmas morning at our house with just the four of us. 

A few pics of the kids in their matching Christmas pj's before we opening any presents.

The kids each got an ornament in their stocking.  Caden got a soccer ball, and Annabelle got a bear.  Here they are hanging their ornaments.
Annabelle had so much fun hanging her new ornament that she decided to take an old one off the tree, so she could rehang it. 
Here's Caden pulling a fire truck out of his stocking.
Annabelle hugging a little doll that she got in her stocking.
Several months ago we lost one of Caden's favorite books.  He got a new one to replace it in his stocking.  He was pretty excited!
Reading his new book. 
Annabelle decided to take a few pictures with an old camera.
Opening another gift. 
Caden was pretty excited about his Fire/Police Station from Grandpa. 
Here's Annabelle playing with her new stroller from Grandpa and her new doll from Mimi. 

Jolly Christmas 2013

We celebrated Christmas with Mimi, Tia, Kevin, Kelly, Wyatt, and Luke on Christmas Eve.  The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins for their two week visit from San Diego.

The boys in front of the tree.  Annabelle wanted no part of the picture taking this Christmas.
Opening some presents!
Annabelle on the move.
Annabelle stopping for a cuddle with Daddy.
Watching Tia open a present.
Caden cuddling with Daddy.
Caden opening a present from Mimi and Tia.  He was so excited to get this crane truck!
After the festivities, Wyatt "read a book" to Annabelle.
Annabelle and Luke hanging out.

New Car and Trains at Northpark

After 12 1/2 years for Brian driving his 4Runner, he decided he was ready for a new car.  The 4Runner still has a lot of life left, so we sold it to Kathleen.  We bought an Infiniti QX60; and we are loving it.

We went to see the Trains at Northpark when Wyatt and Luke were in town.  Here are Caden and Wyatt checking out the trains. 
It's asking too much to try to get them in the same frame. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Advent Festival at Church

Our Advent Festival at church got postponed because of an ice storm.  The one week delay meant that our cousins could attend.  The kids had so much fun.  After a short service, they had Chick-fil-A to eat, balloon artists, face painters, and other crafts and games.

Caden usually asks balloon artists for a sword, but this time they even made him a belt to hold it!
Annabelle got a wand with a heart. 
Caden with Wyatt and his helicopter.

Luke watching Caden play one of the games. 
A family picture.