Saturday, August 29, 2015

Annabelle's First Day of Pre-K 3's

Annabelle returned to HPUMC Day school, the preschool at our church.  She is so excited to have Ms Leana for her teacher this year.  Caden had her two years ago, and we just love her!

First day of school pictures on the porch.

First day of school picture with Ms. Leana.  
Annabelle also had her first ballet class of the year this week.  She's so excited to be taking class at the studio where I take.  Here she is ready for class.

Annabelle is taking class with a few friends this year.  Here's a pic while they're waiting for class to start.  Annabelle, Belle, a girl we don't know, and Evelyn. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Caden's First Day of Kindergarten

I cannot believe Caden is already starting Kindergarten.  He's so excited!  He is attending part-time Kindergarten at The Covenant School.  The official first day of school was Thur, Aug. 20, but Caden only has class Mon/Wed/Fri, so his first day of class was Fri, Aug. 21.  We did get dressed to attend opening chapel Thursday morning, though.

A few pictures on our front steps before chapel Thur morning. 

Caden with his teacher, Mrs. McKenzie.
Daddy and Caden. 
Caden, Mommy, and Annabelle. 
Sitting at his desk, waiting for class to start. 

After dropping Caden off, Annabelle and I headed to the fire truck park to play.  She insisted I drive the truck with her. 

Frozen yogurt!  A special treat to celebrate Caden's first day of school! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August Zoo and Aquarium Visits

The kids have been begging to go to the zoo, so when there was a break in the heat a few weeks ago, we decided to head to the zoo.
Caden measuring himself against the penguins.
Hanging with the gorillas. 
Getting up close to the Mandrill. 
Cheetah encounter. 
Kids were super excited about a selfie before the bird show. 
Caden climbing on the spider web. 
A selfie in the children's area. 
Ready for a Carousel ride. 
After the zoo, we made a stop at a friends' lemonade stand.  Gus and AK Logan with Caden and Annabelle. 
Nana and Papa spent the weekend with us, while Brian was in Kansas City with a few college buddies.  A pic before church. 
Nana went with us the next day to the Aquarium in Grapevine.  Annabelle trying on her scuba mask, while checking out the fish. 

Checking out the sting rays from above. 

We also visited the Children's Aquarium at Fair Park with friends.  Checking out the hermit crab. 
Learning about the Slipper Lobster. 
Annabelle, Caden, Luna, and Belle in front of the albino alligator. 
Petting the sting rays.  Caden and Annabelle both touched them for the first time. 
Belle feeding the sting rays. 
Annabelle holding her fish, ready to toss it to the sting rays. 

The kids and I in front of the Marlin. 

Nana's Birthday in Tyler

I took the kids over to Tyler the first weekend of August to celebrate Nana's birthday.  Their cousins were there, too, so the kids had fun playing with them for the day.

Nana and Papa with their grandkids. 
Nana and Papa with their kids. 
The boys playing with trucks.
 Cleaning golf balls that they found on their nature hike.
The next weekend, we went to dinner with some friends at an Italian restaurant that gave the kids dough to play with.  They thought making dough goatees was pretty funny!

We've really been missing our pool, since we moved.  Fortunately, we have several friends who belong to a local private pool.  We've been there quite a few times this month.  Here's Annabelle enjoying a slushy. 
A pic from a fun night to celebrate Kira and Andrea's birthdays!