Thursday, November 19, 2015

Arboretum Fun and Nana's Visit

We've been enjoying the Arboretum still.  We've hit Tiny Tot Tuesday several times in the past few weeks.  One week we went over to the Children's Garden side, which we have only been to a handful of times.  I also tried to snap a few pictures of the kids in their Thanksgiving attire.

A few pictures before the fun.

 Playing on the lily pads.

Look Mom, "Corn dog flowers!" 
They had fun playing in the little tree house.  

Annabelle hugging one of her lovies. 
The kids put together two flowers.  Here's Caden working on his flower.  I failed to get any pics of Annabelle putting her flower together.

Brian had a work trip last week, so Nana came over to hang out with us for a few days.  We headed back to the Arboretum with her.  Annabelle getting her face painted.
I found this really cute puppy at the Arboretum :). 
My pirate and my puppy dog. 
The Twelve Days of Christmas exhibit is up and running.  A picture of us in front of "Nine Pipers Piping". 
We put together and decorated a gingerbread turkey.

Caden's 2nd Field Trip: Meadow's Museum

I drove Caden and two of his classmates to the second field trip of the year to the Meadow's Museum on SMU campus.  It's across the street from our church, so we park in the parking garage their all the time, but it was my first time to go into the museum.  The tour guides were excellent, and kids and adults enjoyed the tour.

The kids lined up outside learning about architecture.

The museum tour was really interesting.  No pictures were allowed inside, though.  One of their travelling exhibits is manuscripts written by Christopher Columbus.  Here's a picture of Caden's class after the museum tour. Front row: Abby Breeding, Adeline Monwai, Grace Oberlender, Lily Rodriquez, and Ainsley Walker.  Back row: Camden Clarke, Landon Cobb, Cade Crane, Andrew Collins, Press Dunlap, Caden, and Garrett Tilger.
After a few rainouts, Caden played his last soccer game, rescheduled to a Thursday night.  It was pretty dark and cold!  Caden getting his trophy after the game. 

The team (minus Preston) with Coach.  Left to Right: Caden, Nicholas Carter, Luke Baker, Coach Tilger, Garrett Tilger, and Asher Tohlen.  

Friday, November 6, 2015

Halloween 2015

The kids dressed up as Peter Pan and Tinker Bell this year. 

On the front porch, ready to head to our friends' house. 

All the kids lined up ready to trick or treat.  Left to right: Jillian O'Brien, Tessa Knotts, Sam Checkanovsky, Alex Checkanovsky, Caden, Annabelle, Luna Hartgrove, Jack Baker, Isla Baker, Addison Overstreet, Camille O'Brien, and Belle Hartgrove.

A family pic.
We had a pumpkin painting party a few weeks ago.  The kids had so much fun!      

Jack Baker, Chase Conner, and Annabelle.
I went to Annabelle's Halloween party at school.  Annabelle chose not to wear her costume to school; she decided to just wear her Tinker Bell crown.  Mommy and Annabelle during one of the activities.
More pumpkin painting. 

Being silly with the pumpkin play dough.  
Caden had strep two weeks ago.  So I took Annabelle to a preschool Halloween Carnival at the elementary school in our neighborhood.
A failed attempt at a selfie. 

Caden's 1st Field Trip: Texas Discovery Garden

Caden's class had their first field trip last week.  They went to the Texas Discovery Gardens down at Fair Park.  Caden hadn't been there since he was 11 months old.

In the car and ready to go.  Clockwise from top left: Cade Crane, Garret Tilger, Caden, and Press Dunlap.  It was homecoming spirit week, so they were able to wear casual clothes, instead of their uniforms.
Getting instructions before heading into the butterfly garden. 
Heading into the butterfly garden. 

Following Mrs. McKenzie. 
Checking out the chrysalises. 
Checking out the caterpillars.  

No interest in stopping for a picture, Caden, Cade, and Garret. 
Looking down at me: Cade, Caden, Andrew Collins, Garret, and Camden Clarke.  There are only 12 kids in Caden's class, and there is a Cade, Caden, and Camden. 
No time or interest in taking a picture with Mommy :(. I had to beg for this, and he wouldn't even look at the camera. 
After exploring the garden, they went into a classroom. 
Here are proofs from Annabelle's school pictures.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Visit from Tootsie

Caden got to bring his class pet tortoise, Tootsie, home for a weekend.  Both kids were so excited! 

Here's a picture outside of Caden's classroom right after we picked up Tootsie. 

Letting Tootsie take an afternoon stroll. 

We ordered a new sectional for the porch.  The kids love playing out on the patio. 
We are moving forward with building a pool.  I picked materials a few weeks ago. 
A computer rendering of the pool.
Caden loves looking at the plans.
Annabelle decided to get creative with a crayon and the carpet a few Saturdays ago.  This picture doesn't do it justice; it was all over her room, from the door to the corner by her closet.  She was in her room for bedtime, and Brian went in and discovered it.  After nearly 3 hours of scrubbing with vinegar, dish soap, and a toothbrush, her carpet is back to it's original color. 
All of our living room furniture from our old house is in our upstairs living room.  So we are slowly furnishing the downstairs living room.  Our sectional came two weeks ago, and the kids are enjoying the new coffee table.  It makes a night train table.  
We have been enjoying the nice Fall weather.  Annabelle asked me to take her picture by the fire hydrant during a nature walk one afternoon. 
One afternoon, we walked her "baby" to the park in her stroller, and then she pushed him in the swing.