Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Annabelle's Last Day of Pre-K 3's

After 4 years, we are saying goodbye to the Child Development Program at HPUMC (CDP).  We have loved the teachers that we've had, but we are switching Annabelle to a school closer to home for next year.  The drive from Covenant to CDP back home is too much. 

Annabelle with Mrs. Leana on her last day of school.  Mrs Leana is a true gift; she is such a wonderful teacher.  And I'm so glad that both Caden and Annabelle were able to have her for their PK-3 year.
After school park playdate with all of Annabelle's class. Lunch.
Rhodes Abbott, Mrs. Leana, Lawson Moore, Molly Augustyn, Annabelle, Larsen Gray Rushing, Kendall Walters, and Blake Speer. 
Annabelle and Larsen Gray had fun in this tunnel.  
Annabelle also had her last day of ballet last week.  Mrs. Janie let the moms come in to the studio to watch. Annabelle working on her balance.
 Doing a grand jete over the flowers.
Working on her arabesque. 

Waiting patiently in first position for her turn. 
Now working on second position, while she's waiting. 
Time for reverence... 
A super silly curtsy. 
A kiss to the audience. 
And that's a wrap on 3 yr old ballet class!  

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Girls' Weekend - Beaumont Ranch

I got away for a few days the weekend before last.  It was great to see my 2 best friends from JH/HS.  Becky flew in from San Francisco, and we pickup up Melissa in Burleson on our way to Beaumont Ranch.  It was super quaint!  Definitely felt like City Slickers!

We started our weekend with lunch in downtown Burleson, and these delicious bacon wrapped, cheese stuffed jalapenos.

The rooms were different buildings of a 19th century western town.
We went horseback riding on Saturday morning. 
We rode right through fields with Longhorns. 

There wasn't much to do on the ranch, so after horseback riding, we headed down to Waco.  A selfie in front of Magnolia's Silo's. 

I was pleasantly surprised that there was no line to get in the door.  But the lines to check out were too long to bother buying anything.

We saw this sign at a shop down the street from Magnolia.  My friends thought I should get it...can't imagine why ;). 
On our way back from Waco, we had to introduce Becky to the Kolaches from West.  And then, per Becky's request, we ended our weekend with some fried Chicken.  Needless to say, I was ready for a detox after our weekend of indulging.
A throwback pic to HS...we haven't changed one bit. :)
Caden's class, along with the other M-W-F class, recited Psalm 23 at Chapel the following Monday.

Covenant Coop Troup

Covenant got chickens in April.  We are signed up to help take care of them this summer.  The kids are super excited.

The kids love getting in the coop.

We headed to LEGOLAND the week before last with our friends Garrett and Hadley.  Annabelle was super excited to finally be old enough to drive the police cars.  Although, she had trouble pushing the gas.  The boys lapped her several times. 

The kids with a Lego R2D2. 

Annabelle on a Lego motorcycle.  

Mother's Day 2016

Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a picture of me with the kids after church.  The Wednesday before Mother's Day, Annabelle had a "Muffins with Mom" at her school.  It was so much fun. 

Annabelle served me my muffins and a drink.

They also sang a few songs.  "Happy Mother's Day to You" (to the tune of happy birthday).  And a song to "B-I-N-G-O" that went, "There is someone that loves me so, and Mommy is her name O, M-O-M-M-Y..."
I love these questionnaires.
Pictures of what she gave me.

Caden painted this for me.  He ran out of room writing beautiful & his name :).

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

End of Soccer Season and Beginning of Swim Season

Caden's last soccer game was last weekend.  He really enjoys soccer now, and I'm amazed at how much he's improved over the past two seasons.  He scored 4 goals this season, and he was so much more aggressive than last season. 

Here he is going after the ball in his last game. 

Kicking off. 
Getting his trophy. 

A team pic.  Left to right: Asher Tohlen, Press Dunlap, Cooper Dow, Coach Dow, Luke Baker, and Caden.  (missing Adam Thomason from the picture). 
The kids are loving the pool.  It takes about 4 hours to heat the pool to an acceptable temperature right now.  We purchased two large umbrellas to provide some shade, since we had to take out all the trees in the backyard to build the pool.

Annabelle really wants a dog.  We do not want one until the kids are old enough to really help take care of it.  This is Annabelle's solution for now...taking her dog for a walk!  Works for everyone :).