Friday, July 29, 2016

Our New House: One Year Later

This week was 1 year since we moved in to our house.  I realized that I've never really put pictures of it on the blog.  So here's the before and after pics.

The entry before.

We changed the light fixture in the entryway.    

Guest bedroom before.
We painted the room gray.
Dining room before.

We added a chandelier.
Kitchen before.
Kitchen now. 
Breakfast and Living room before.

We stained the floors darker throughout the entire first floor.  I like the new color so much better.

The master bedroom before.
Here's an after pic; we didn't do anything to this room.

Upstairs living room before.

Nothing changed in this room, either.  Here are a few pics now. 

Caden's room before.
We painted this room blue. 

Office before picture.
No work needed in this room.

Workout room is almost set up.  We are going to hang a tv in there next week, but here's what it looks like now.

Annabelle's room before.
We painted this room, also.  Here are after pics of Annabelle's room.

And Annabelle's bathroom.

The reading/art room before.

The kids love their art table and art display.


First Trip to the ER

We spent the better part of Wednesday night in the hospital.  Annabelle started complaining of stomach pain mid-afternoon.  Given her history of GI issues, I immediately gave her Miralax.  But she was acting differently than she had ever acted before.  She wouldn't sit to play a game.  She turned down snack and dinner, and then she climbed in bed and went to sleep for a nap at 6pm.  When she woke up screaming at 6:30, we decided to call the nurse on call from our pediatrician's office.  They recommended we take her to the ER.  So a little before 8pm, Annabelle and I were on our way to Children's Hospital in Plano. 
They put us back in a room immediately, which was nice.  Annabelle loved all the screen time she was getting!
The doctor sent us for an x-ray.  Here she is on the x-ray table. 
I knew pretty quickly after we arrived that it was probably gas related.  But since we were there, we stayed to get completely checked out.  We waited forever for the sonogram tech to come.  It was 1:00am before we were released.  A selfie from Annabelle's bed before she kicked me out of it.
We had Marty and Merley over to swim week before last.

The kids and I volunteered at Meals on Wheels through Wee Volunteer.  It had been 2 years since we had last done it.  The kids had fun!  A selfie on the bus.
The kids lined up in front of the bus at the end. 
We went to Perot last week.  We hadn't been in a while, and the kids still love it!  Annabelle cooking me dinner over the campfire.
Caden had so much fun in the Construction area of the Children's Museum.  He worked so hard for about an hour and a half and he was a sweaty mess. 
The kids in the craft area. 
I took the kids to a shoe tying class at Nordstrom.  Caden learned really quickly.  Annabelle had insisted that she come along, but she had no interest in learning; she just continuously asked me if she was going to get a new pair of shoes.
 Annabelle has been begging me for an old pair of point shoes.  She finally got her hands on a pair and had fun dancing around in them one day last week.

The kids did a few Summer camps at Annabelle's new preschool.  Each camp was two days, and each week there was a different theme.  Caden came home with this super cute craft the week they talked about the Circus. 
Annabelle loves to sing and perform.  Here are a few pictures of them dancing and singing last week. 

Caden was getting mad at me for taking his picture. 
The kids wrapped up swimming lessons in July.  Annabelle graduated to the next level on her last lesson.  She is a great swimmer for a 4 year old.  She's proficient in freestyle and breast stroke.  She loves to swim! 
We had Coop Troup duty one day this week.  I.e. we had to go give the chickens fresh water and retrieve their eggs.  Annabelle loves going in the coop and trying to pick up the chickens. 
Caden after a long time warming up finally and very carefully reached to pet one.