Saturday, November 30, 2019

Caden's Colonial Times Living History Day

I was one of the coordinators for Caden's Living History Day this year.

The four coordinators:  Aimee Bruce, Laura Wilson, Laura, and Kizzy Webb.

Brian, Caden, and Laura. 

One of the rotations was dancing.

From dancing to games.  Caden racing with the hoop.

Learning about leather working.

Then they got to learn about what school was like for Colonial children.  Caden and the other boys had to carry firewood into the school.

The teacher Mrs. MacFarlane scolding one of the students for not bringing firewood.

Caden reading from the New England Primer.

The kids got to grind up corn kernals to feed the turkeys.

They also learned about what a blacksmith did.

Brian played the "American Soldier" part in the final skit.  He escorted in the British soldier who was surrendering to General Washington. 

A friend's daughter was in a local children's theater production of Willy Wonka.  We went to see her.  Annabelle, Caden, Kyleigh Freeman, with another friend from tennis' daughters: Sydney and Zoe Frazure.

Annabelle and Caden bunny sat over the Thanksgiving break for a friend from school's bunny.

 My Fall USTA team won another City Championship last weekend.

We headed to Tyler for Thanksgiving.  One day we were there, the girls went to see Frozen 2.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Halloween and End of Soccer Season

The kids chose to be Laura Ingalls and Paul Revere for Halloween this year.

Violet had a matching outfit. 

 A selfie with Mommy.  Forgot to get a pic with Daddy.

We went trick or treating with our friends Luna and Belle Hartgrove. 

 One block over from us, they close the street to cars.  Some of the houses put up a lot of decorations.  The kids making scary faces in front of the decorations.

 Another season of soccer came to an end for Annabelle.  She really enjoyed it this season.

Annabelle with her participation medal.

Caden's team won the end of season tournament.  Two medals for him!

Annabelle's Fall project was to research and present on a state.  She chose Kansas.  For her presentation, she wanted me to do her hair like Dorothy's from the Wizard of Oz. 

She did a great job! 

The video of her presentation.

Annabelle's class took a field trip to the Meadow Art Museum this week, as well.