Sunday, October 25, 2020

Fall Break 2020

Well, we've made it through the first 9 weeks of in person school!  The kids are loving their teachers and doing great this year.  Nana and Papa came over for one day at the start of Fall Break.  We went exploring and found a new place to walk up in Plano.

We went to the zoo with friends one day.  We were so excited to see the lion cubs.  The kids have been seeing videos of them on Instagram.

We took Natalie with us, so Annabelle could have a friend.

We met the Bujas there.  Henry, Caden, Annabelle and Natalie at the entrance.

We headed straight to the lion exhibit hoping to get a glimpse of the cubs.  They did not disappoint.  I could have watched them for hours.

Then we headed over to the hippos.  One keeper told us to go there because they are active in the morning.  When we arrived, the baby was right up against the glass.

After hanging out with his mom in the water a bit, he walked out to get some food.  We have seen this "Little" guy a few times, but he's never been out of the water for us.

Then we headed back to the lions for the encounter.

The girls climbing on the elephant statues.

Another glimpse into the school day...Andrew, Ainsley, and Caden reading outside one day last week.

The kids didn't want to stop swimming this year, so they joined a year round swim team.  They had their first meet, and they both did great!  We were not allowed in the building, but we did get to watch a few races from the windows.  Caden got 6th in the 50 free, 7th in the 100 back, 7th in the 50 breast, 2nd in the 100 free, 6th in the 50 back, 7th in the 50 fly, and 6th in the 100 IM.  Annabelle swam in the 10U group, as USA swimming doesn't break out a 8U group.  She got 13th in the 50 free, 15th in the 100 back, sadly was DQ'd in the 50 breast, 13th in the 100 free, 14th in 50 back, 11th in the 50 fly, and 13th in the 100 IM.  These are longer distances that they swam in the summer leagues.  The only race that is the same is the 100 IM, and both kids have improved their times significantly since the summer.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Fall Basketball and Homecoming Week

 Caden decided he wanted to play Fall basketball this year, instead of playing soccer.  

Here he is in his fancy new uniform.

The ballet studio is having to make quite a few modifications to Nutcracker this year.  There were significantly less kids cast this year, but Annabelle is so excited to get the part she was hoping for...she will be a MOUSE!  I snapped this pic after her first rehearsal.

Homecoming was this week at school.  Annabelle wanted to participate in crazy hair day with a hair cupcake on her head.  Caden opted out this year.

Both kids participated in crazy sock day.

And their favorite day...Red and Black Day (i.e. get to wear athletic wear day)!

This year is so sad because no parents are allowed on campus at all.  The teachers have been kind to send a few pictures.  Here's Annabelle on a trip to the garden.

Annabelle with her class.  She's looking down because her mask fell down right as the picture was taken.  Back row, left to right: Mackenna Cleary, Adelaide Breed, Emma Coley, Annabelle, Lisette Kelly, Lily Thompson, and Lily Pace.  Front row, left to right: Cameron Colquitt, Tripp Rector, James Edwards, Odin Elkitoni, Beckham Horan, and Sawyer Mayo.

A few pictures from one of Caden's games.  

One of our friends in the neighborhood just North of us closed off their street to have an Oktoberfest party.  Laura, Lena Bryan, and Summer McConnell at the street party.

Caden had a "Character" presentation from the book they've just read, "Letters to Oma".  We were able to watch via Zoom.

Our latest house project was painting a court for Caden.  

The kids are just loving our new house and new neighborhood.  Annabelle is always playing with neighbors.  Audrey Thomason was over the other day, and I found them with their hair braided together.  They're funny!

They love to bake.  Here they are making some pumpkin bread.