Saturday, November 28, 2020


The kids had a time trial meet for just their team the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  I got to go inside, because I volunteered to work a job.  It was so nice to be able to be in the Natatorium with them.  Caden swam the 100 IM, 50 free, 100 free, and 50 back.  He finished 2nd in all three races, and he improved his time in two of them.  Annabelle swam the 100 IM, 50 free, 50 breast, and 50 back.  She was the top 8U girl in all events, and she improved her IM time by 10 seconds.  

Here is a pic (to show you which lane he is in) and a video of Caden's 100 free.  This is quickly becoming one of his favorite events.

Here is a pic and video of Annabelle's 50 breast.

We headed over to Nana and Papa's for a few days for Thanksgiving.

Papa, Laura, Caden, Annabelle, and Carlos, Papa's mentee went exploring one day.  We walked from their backyard to Faulkner Park.  They are working on clearing the trees for a walking/biking trail.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Annabelle's Volcano Project

Annabelle chose a shield volcano, which is the same type Caden did two years ago.  She wanted to construct hers a little differently.  Caden had used landscaping spray foam, which swelled up a little too much, so we decided to try clay for Annabelle's.

After she painted it, it started cracking really badly.  So we caulked in the cracks, and then she painted red lava running down the sides to cover it up.

Caden had a geography presentation this week, too.  He was presenting on Australia.  They were supposed to have something multi-sensory, so he wanted to take a food item.  He decided on Lamington Cakes.  Here he is hard at work baking them.

Parents were able to watch the volcano presentations over zoom on Wednesday.  Annabelle did a great job.  Here's a picture and the video.

Then Friday afternoon, after Caden's Living History Day, Annabelle's class erupted their volcanos.  It was so great to be able to be on campus for the eruptions.

The video of her presentation.

5th Grade Living History Day: Western Expansion and Early Texas History

Caden had his last Living History Day this week.  I was so glad that I agreed to coordinate it, as parent attendance was very limited.  Planning it secured my ticket.  I am so glad that we were able to make a few adjustments to the day and still have it!

Caden's class before leaving school to head to the Farmer's Branch Historical Park.  Back row: Miss Yohe, Garrett Tilger, Henry Buja; Center: Bass Lang, Cooper Dow, Andrew Collins, and Caden; Front: Sutton Bruce, Gigi Parker, Harper Philips, Sammie Staples, Ainsley Walker, and Arden Prouse.

The kids learning about the log cabin and land grants.

A pic of the boys lined up in front of the caboose.

The kids were allowed to see inside the caboose, 3 at a time.  Cooper, Caden, and Garrett after their turn.

The kids continuing their tour.

Caden's class at the "Hoe Cake" rotation.

Brian was able to come, too.

The kids learning about General Stores.

Over to games.

Caden went to play at Cade's house afterwards, and his mom snapped this picture.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Family Pictures

I wanted to take some pictures for our Christmas card.  I found a great location by the creek right by our house.  

I went ahead and made our Christmas card.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


We weren't sure what Halloween would look like this year with COVID restrictions.  But our neighbors across the street have a son in Caden's class, so we decided to have a class party in our front yards.  It was so much fun!  

Caden wanted to be a Star Wars character and Annabelle chose to be a hippie.

Violet had a matching outfit.

The kids lined up ready to go trick or treat around the block.  Left to right: Preston Wilson, Cooper Dow, Caden, Sammie Staples, Arden Prouse, Natalie Bryan, Gigi Parker, Audrey Thomason, Sutton Bruce, Adam Thomason, Garrett Tilger, Bass Lang, Hadley Tilger and Annabelle peeking from behind, Andrew Collins, Jax Farrell as Darth, Cade Crane, Henry Buja, and Alex Bryan.

Annabelle's volcano project is in a few weeks, and she's started working on it.

Caden had his last basketball game for the Fall league he's been playing in.  Here's a team pic we took after the last game.  Back row:  Coach Chris, Cameron, Cylus, Canon, Owen, Joe, Ethan, and Coach Leroy.  Caden and Sebastian in front.