Saturday, May 29, 2021

Start of Summer

We are enjoying the start of summer.  Brian took the kids to see James.

I took the kids out to Terrell to a WWII British Flight Training School Museum.  It was interesting, and we all enjoyed it.

We stopped by Ham Orchards for lunch and a treat.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

End of School

I can't believe it's already the end of 3rd and 5th grade!  The swim team gave out end of season awards.  Both kids won "Most Improved Swimmer" for their age group. 

Caden dissected a frog for science at the end of the school year.  His teacher took this picture of Bass Lang, Caden, and Sammie Staples working on their dissection.

Caden's 3rd season of Dallas Elite came to an end.  Here's a pic of his team after their last game.

The kids ready for the last day of school.

We made key chains for each kid in Annabelle's class with their shield.  Here is Annabelle's shield chain.

Caden's last day of school picture with his class.

They have a Red Sweater Ceremony for the 5th graders to turn in their red sweaters, since next year in Logic School they will wear black sweaters.  Here's a pic of all the 5th grade boys.

Caden with Miss Yohe.

A selfie with Mom.

At the ceremony each child said what their favorite memory of Grammar school was before they handed their sweater over.

Dad, Mom, and Annabelle during her end of school party.

Annabelle with Mrs. Mogk.

The girls in Annabelle's class.

All the 3rd graders got to have a snowball fight at the end of their parties.

Lunch at the party.

Caden and all the boys in his grade had a swim party.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Annabelle's Ballet Recital

Annabelle's ballet recital was last weekend.  Annabelle with a few of her preschool friends.  Larson Gray Rushing, Belle Hartgrove, and Isla Baker. 

Annabelle with the Covenant girls who are in her class, Zoey Seale, Ann Holland Crow, and Khloe Jensen.

The ballet girls with another Covenant friend, Lisette Kelly.

 A few pics on stage.

I was able to be backstage with her again.  A selfie before heading on stage.
 A pic from the wings.

Annabelle with Tia and Mimi.

Annabelle with Papa and Nana.

We had some flash flooding this weekend.  

The construction staging area up at school was completely under water.  Fortunately, the school itself wasn't damaged.

Valley View park by our house was completely under water.

We saw the flooding on the way to watch Annabelle's friend Audrey in an ice skating competition.