Sunday, July 31, 2022

Summer Ballet Intensives

This is the first year that Annabelle is old enough to take the summer intensives at her studio.  The first week ended with some class demonstrations, a Don Quote variation, and a musical theater number.  Here's a pic of the "Revolting Children" song from "Matilda".

The second week ended with a Swan Lake variation, and a musical theater number from Newsies.  A few pictures of some combinations in class.

Annabelle and three other girls performing Little Swans from Swan Lake.

She had so much fun performing "King of New York".

Annabelle and Laura went to see Frozen the Broadway Musical.  It was such a good show!

Nana and Papa came over for the day to celebrate Nana's birthday.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

4th of July

 Usually, we head to the club for the 4th.  But we decided that we didn't want to deal with the crowds this year.  Annabelle and I ended up meeting a friend at the parking lot of a Jewish temple around the corner from us to watch the fireworks show of the country club across the street from our neighborhood.  It was a good show, and it was so convenient.

Annabelle with Caroline and Cate Purser.

Our project to add a theater room over the garage is well under way.  The holes have been cut out for the closet door, the beverage cabinets, and the theater.

A close up of the bev center and closet.

They have put down the subfloor and installed the insulation in the theater.

My tennis team made the city championships again.  We came up a little short, but we had a fun pool party when we finished.

Annabelle is playing on a co-ed basketball team this summer, as is her friend Makenna.  They played each other.  An after game pic with Annabelle, Makenna's brother Brendan, and Makenna.

Caden loving on Bear.

Annabelle's Triumph team won one of their tournaments this month.