Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Here's a video of Caden talking today.


Here's a video of Caden laughing last weekend.

Chunky Monkey!

Caden had his 4 month check up today.  He weighed in at 18lb 3oz (97th percentile) and was 25 1/4" long (60th percentile).  While he was on the table at the doctor today, he rolled over from back to tummy for the first time!
Here are a few pictures of him eating avocado.

And him playing on the ground yesterday.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Four months

Caden turned four months at the beginning of this week. I'm looking forward to seeing how big he is when we go to the doctor next week. From our attempts weighing him at home, we think he's over 17lbs now.

Caden is enjoying his jumperoo more and more each week. I've been trying to upload a video of him in the jumperoo for several days now, but blogger is having issues again. I'll keep trying to post it & hopefully, it'll eventually work. Here are a few pictures.

Eating is hard work...

He likes to snuggle when he's just waking up; I love it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Video of Caden rolling over

Here's one of the videos.  I didn't grab the camera in time to catch the start, but here's the end of the roll.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

3 1/2 months

I finally got a video of Caden rolling over yesterday.  He rolled over once, and then i put him on his stomach again to see if he would roll over again.  When I realized he was starting to work on it, I grabbed the camera.  Unfortunately, blogger isn't letting me upload a video.  I'll try posting it later. 

We put together the jumperoo for Caden last weekend.  He's a little too small for it, so we had to put a book under it for him to stand on.  Here's a picture of him in it this past week.

Here's a picture of him sitting on the couch...look at that belly :)!

I found this "frightfully cute" halloween outfit on clearance last year.  He's getting so big, I'm not sure it's going to make it 'til October, so I went ahead and took a few pictures in it this week.

And here's a tummy time pic from this week.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Caden's such a happy little guy!  He's really started to squeal quite a bit over the past week.  He will just lay on a mat or sit in his bouncer and jabber and squeal; it's so cute!  Here's a video of a little bit of squealing this past week.

He's getting so big and is such a chunk.  Check out those roly thighs!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rolling over

Caden rolled over tummy to back (unassisted) for the first time last week.  He had rolled over several times down his tummy time toy (which slants down).  Unfortunately, he's rolled unassisted twice now, and I haven't been quick enough to tape it either time.  Maybe next week I can catch him in action!

We spent a little more time in the pool this weekend.  He likes it.  Here's a video of him "swimming".

He loves to sit in the bouncer and "talk" to me.  Here's a picture from this week.