Tuesday, April 26, 2011

12 Month Stats

Caden had his 12 month doctor's appointment today.  He is 26 lbs, 6 oz (93rd percentile), 31" long (80th percentile), and his head is still off the charts big.  Poor little guy had a rough appointment...Mommy had to battle him to keep him out of the cabinets for at least 30 minutes while we waited in the appointment room for the Dr, and then he was pretty upset by his shots.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Big 1!!!

I can't believe my baby is one today.  We had so much fun celebrating with a few friends this afternoon. 

Here's a picture of the monkey cake that I made for him.

Here's Caden while we're singing "Happy Birthday".

I worked on two art projects this week.  I made these "Jolly" letters to sit on the bookshelves in the living room.

And I used the same paint and paper to make the blue and brown cross in the middle.  I hung all these crosses that I bought a few weeks ago in the living room this morning.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Five Steps

Caden is getting so steady on his feet. He just needs to gain the confidence to let himself takeoff. Until today he had only taken a step by himself in cruising from one piece of furniture to another. But tonight he took FIVE steps on his own, and then he realized what he was doing and plopped down to crawl. Hopefully, we'll have video footage soon; although, the flip is still quite a distraction for him :).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Family Birthday Party

While Mimi and Tia were in town, we celebrated Caden's b-day a week early.  Nana, Papa, Great Nana, and Jeffrey all came over to celebrate last Saturday.  Caden had a great time opening presents and playing with his new toys.

I think he may have enjoyed drumming on the box more than playing with his new toys.

Here's Caden checking out his new Little People Barn.

A family photo...it's way too hard to get everyone to look at the camera and keep their eyes open.

Caden with Nana and Papa.

Caden with Mimi.

Mimi and Tia visit

Mimi and Tia were in town visiting last week.  They were here looking for a house, and they found one!  We had a busy week out and about enjoying the beautiful spring weather.

Mimi, Caden and I went to the Arboretum one day for a picnic lunch and a few pictures.  Caden had no interest in posing for the camera.  He wanted to be on the move.

He did sit still for just a few minutes for us to take a few pictures with him by the last of the Azalia's.  Although, there were much more interesting things to look at than Mommy.

Mimi, Tia, Caden and I went to the butterfly exhibit at Fair Park on Friday morning.  Here's another shot of Caden sitting next to a flower :).

After the butterfly exhibit, we ate a picnic lunch out by this pretty fountain.  A few kiddo's from our play group were there, too.  I think it's so cute seeing them all lined up.

Both of them have their eyes closed, but here are Tia and Caden in front of the fountain.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bathroom Before and After

Caden and I went to the Arboretum last Friday with a friend who took some great pictures.  The tulips and azalias are just beautiful there this time of year.  Here's a picture of my sweet little guy in the middle of azalias.

His teeth are really coming in.  He's been a little grumpy this week, so I think he might be working on another bottom tooth, but we'll wait and see.  Here's a picture of him making funny faces in his sandbox, but if you look closely you can see his top teeth.

You know you're a nerd when your kiddo thinks it's exciting to use a calculator :).  He thinks it's so fun to push the buttons.

Everything should be complete with our renovations tomorrow.  The carpet is being installed as I type.  Tomorrow the tile in the bathroom will be sealed...and then we're done!  YEAH!!!  Here are a few before pictures (these were actually taken the day we closed on the house b/f we took down all those mirrors).

Here it is now...