Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bathroom Before and After

Caden and I went to the Arboretum last Friday with a friend who took some great pictures.  The tulips and azalias are just beautiful there this time of year.  Here's a picture of my sweet little guy in the middle of azalias.

His teeth are really coming in.  He's been a little grumpy this week, so I think he might be working on another bottom tooth, but we'll wait and see.  Here's a picture of him making funny faces in his sandbox, but if you look closely you can see his top teeth.

You know you're a nerd when your kiddo thinks it's exciting to use a calculator :).  He thinks it's so fun to push the buttons.

Everything should be complete with our renovations tomorrow.  The carpet is being installed as I type.  Tomorrow the tile in the bathroom will be sealed...and then we're done!  YEAH!!!  Here are a few before pictures (these were actually taken the day we closed on the house b/f we took down all those mirrors).

Here it is now...

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