Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Car

We picked up our new car yestereday, and I love it!  Here are a few pictures of it.

Caden and I have been going to an art class this summer at the Nature and Science Museum.  Each week there is an artist and color of the day.  I haven't taken my camera to class yet, so these pic's are just from my cell phone.
The little artist at work.

The 2nd week's color was orange.  Here are his two pictures from that week.

The 3rd week was all about Van Gogh & blue and yellow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

14 Months

This week has been so hectic, I've hardly had time to take any pictures.  Mimi and Tia are moved in and settling into their new home only 20 min away...we're so excited to have them close.  And the big news for our family this week is that we bought a new car, an Acura MDX.  We're picking it up tomorrow, so I'll post pictures later this week.

Brian's been talking about buying a new chair for the office for years, so we got him one for Father's Day.  Here's Caden helping us move it.

My photography assignment this week is all about lighting and shadows.  I didn't get the effect I wanted here, but it's a cute shot of Caden enjoying the park last Friday.

Caden and I went to the Arboretum this morning before art class.  He loves the water there.  Here he is enjoying one of the waterfalls.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to Daddy, Papa, and Grandpa!  We went to a park last weekend to take pictures of Brian and Caden.  Caden was not interested in getting his picture taken at all.  All he wanted to do was run around the park and point at everything.  Of the 80+ pictures that I took, I only got a couple half decent ones; most of them Caden looked good and Brian had his eyes closed or Brian looked good & Caden was lunging away from him.  Here are a few of the better ones.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Caden finished his two weeks of swimming lessons this week.  Brian was able to leave work early Wed, so he could watch the last few minutes of class.  Unfortunately, I haven't taught him how to use our new camera, so the pictures he took didn't turn out well at all :(. 

Here's Caden climbing out of the pool at the end of class.

Most of the cabinets in our kitchen are locked.  I haven't locked the corner cabinets yet, and he figure out how to climb in there last week.  Here's a pic of Caden playing under the counter.

My photography assignment this week is to take motion shots.  Here are two shots of Caden swinging at the park today.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Library play date

There's an older lady (Mrs. K) in Lake Highlands who has turned most of her 2nd floor into a children's library.  We had a playgroup there this week.  Caden got his very own library card, and I'm so excited to start taking him there on a regular basis.
Mrs. K read a few stories to the kiddo's.

Caden loves looking at books.  I have started putting one in his crib all the time.  It's so cute watching him flip through it on the video monitor.  Here he is looking through a book at play group.

Here he is playing yesterday afternoon.

He thinks it's so funny to toss sand up in the air.  Here he is this morning playing in his sandbox.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Duck or Quack?

Caden is really trying to say so many words these days.  He can say duck now and quack.  I took this video this evening when he was in the bath.  Although, he started being silly when I turned the camera on, and it almost sounds like he's combining duck and quack into one word.

Brian and I were trying to organize the laundry room this afternoon.  Caden found this carrying case and had a blast dragging it around the kitchen!

One day this week, while I was getting my own breakfast, Caden decided to play peek-a-boo with his bowl of prune yogurt.  Caden loves yogurt, so it's really not uncommon for breakfast to turn into a yogurty mess.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where's Mama?

Every Tuesday I have to leave for Photography class 30 minutes or so before Caden goes to bed.  This week, he was quite distraught when I left.  Brian said he walked around the whole house saying "mama" looking for me.  He caught the tail end of it on video.  Don't mind his mismatched pj's...we are now going on two weeks without a washing machine.  The stupid part we need is on back order :(.  I took one load to a friends house last week, and then today our next door neighbor was kind enough to let me do a few loads.