Tuesday, June 28, 2011

14 Months

This week has been so hectic, I've hardly had time to take any pictures.  Mimi and Tia are moved in and settling into their new home only 20 min away...we're so excited to have them close.  And the big news for our family this week is that we bought a new car, an Acura MDX.  We're picking it up tomorrow, so I'll post pictures later this week.

Brian's been talking about buying a new chair for the office for years, so we got him one for Father's Day.  Here's Caden helping us move it.

My photography assignment this week is all about lighting and shadows.  I didn't get the effect I wanted here, but it's a cute shot of Caden enjoying the park last Friday.

Caden and I went to the Arboretum this morning before art class.  He loves the water there.  Here he is enjoying one of the waterfalls.

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