Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Uh, Oh, Mommy"

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July weekend!  We went to a neighborhood parade and carnival yesterday morning.  I'm so bummed that I forgot to take my camera.  Caden had a really good time in the petting zoo.  He saw baby pigs, baby goats, ducks, geese, and miniature horses.  The entire time we were in there he was saying, "duck, duck" and pointing to the ducks. 

Caden and I went to the Arboretum this morning to take some pictures for my last photography assignment.  After I took a few pictures in our first location, I took the lock off the stroller and began pushing it.  When I suddenly realized that I was missing a cute picture.  I turned to Caden to take his picture.  As I started to take his picture, he began pointing and saying "uh, oh, uh, oh".  I dismissed it because he points at everything and says "uh, oh" all the time.  Then I turned around and realized my stroller was rolling away & it fell into the foot of a tree about 20 feet away...silly mommy...

Here are a few cute pics from this morning.

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