Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dr. Caden and Mr. Clean

Caden has a stethoscope toy.  He has learned to hold it up to his or our chest and make a "bum bum" heart beat sound.  I didn't get a great video, but here he is sort of doing it.

We went to Pottery Barn Kids yesterday for their story time.  He had absolutely no interest in sitting and listening to the lady read.  But he did find the toys they have out for testing.  He LOVED the vacuum.  He played with the vacuum for a good 30 minutes.  I had to pull him away literally kicking and screaming when it was time to leave.  Here's a picture I took of him on my cell phone.

Since Caden's art class has ended, we got him an easil.  Here he is drawing with chalk last week.

Here he is today playing with play-doh.

1 comment:

Dana Kelvington said...

Those pictures are priceless! So cute!