Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pushing and Standing

Annabelle is getting so close to walking.  She pushes anything and everything around (push toys, furniture, etc.).  She even started standing up completely unassisted in the middle of the room this past week.  Caden didn't actually stand up unassisted until he had been walking a week or two.  She just needs to build a little more confidence, and then she'll be off.

Here she is pushing furniture around last week.
We had been having a beautiful February, but got another blast of cold weather this past week.  Here she is yesterday all bundled up.
Pushing a different toy around earlier this past week...
I can't believe that she'll be one in less than a week.  I made her birthday shirt last weekend, and bought a tutu, so her b-day outfit is all ready for her party next Saturday. 

Valentine's Day & Brian's Birthday

I've been a little MIA on the posts lately.  But we've had a good, and busy, February.  Brian turned the big 4-0!  We just celebrated with a dinner out, sans kiddo's.  We also had a handful of Valentine's Day parties for the kids. 

Here's a picture of story time during Caden's Valentine's party at school.
I took the kids to the Arboretum one day and tried to get a few pictures.  They were a little skeptical of my attemts/pleas to get them to smile...
I did get a few decent pictures.  Sweet siblings...


Caden did a lot of running around...

Here's a picture of him running around the Arboretum in his Valentine's shirt last year.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Caden is 2 3/4 years!

I feel like I've been doing a pretty good job of documenting what Annabelle's been doing lately, but sometimes I forget that when I look back on this in years to come, it will be nice to know what Caden is up to developmentally these days.  Caden turned 2 yr and 9 months week before last.  He is still such a good kid; although, occasionally, he does remind us loudly and clearly that he is still a two year old.  He is so well behaved and well manored.  He is very good at saying "please" and "thank you".  It melts my heart when he says (completely unprompted) things like, "Thank you for making me these muffins, Mommy" or "Thank you for teaching my Sunday School class."  Also, he's so good at settling himself down.  Lately, when I put him in "time out", I will tell him to stay in his room for a few minutes until he's ready to apologize to Mommy/Annabelle/Daddy...and a few minutes later, he will quietly and sweetly walk out of his room and walk up to one of us and say, "I'm sorry for ___".

He still loves his cars and trucks.  I never thought pretending to pick up garbage could be so cute!
He loves being a helper.  He often helps me do all sorts of things around the house.  Here's a picture of him helping me empty the dishwasher. 
He just loves anything firetruck/fireman related.  He asks to watch "Fireman Sam" on tv during his 30 minutes of tv time in the morning.  Earlier this week, he asked me where his glove was.  I thought I had seen the oven mit sitting around, so I picked it up and asked if he was looking for the oven mit.  And he said, "That's my fireman glove!"
Here's a picture of our happy girl on a trampoline at a friend's house last week.  Can't believe she's turning 1 three weeks from tomorrow...