Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Busy Spring

I can't believe it's almost April.  This month has flown by; we've been super busy with birthday parties.  And Caden started playing Blast Ball, which is "t-ball meets cricket" craziness with a bunch of 2.5-4yr olds running around attempting to hit and field a ball.  Several of his friends are playing, so we thought it would be a fun introduction to playing with balls...instead of always pretending to cut the grass :).

Brian spent the weekend before last at Spring training in Arizona with two buddies from college.  They went to two Rangers' games and went hiking one morning.
Here's a collage of a few b-day parties the kids and I went to the weekend Brian was out of town.
Caden's still a good little worker.  He loves to pretend to do work around the house...cutting the grass, fixing the fence, fixing the hot water heater, etc.  Here he is working on the fence/gate.
He always has to load up his "truck" with his tools.  His truck is usually either the back of mine or Brian's car.  The train table tops are his "coal shoots"...he uses them like ramps to get his big tools in and out of the truck.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Easter pictures

I took the kids to the Arboretum to take their pictures in their Easter clothes.  Neither of them were all that cooperative.  I think Annabelle must be going through a growth spurt b/c she had a death grip on her snack trap for most of the pictures. 

I monogrammed their initials in matching thread colors.  Annabelle wasn't too interested in sitting in front of Caden.
I also appliqued bunny shirts for them.

On our way out, I spotted these tulips that coordinated great with Annabelle's dress. 
Just can't get them to both smile in a picture.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Annabelle's First Face Painting

I love the Spring.  The Arboretum is really beautiful right now.  I am going to try to take the kids there in the next week or two and take pictures in their Easter outfits.  We headed out there this week for the Spring Mommy & Me days.  They have a whole area specifically for preschoolers.  Caden had no interest in getting his face painted, but I just asked them to do something simple for Annabelle.  They said they did a "princess" face for baby girls.

Here's Annabelle getting her face painted for the first time.

Caden was so excited to see the animals, but preferred to observe them from the outside of the petting zoo.
I took a picture of Annabelle on this bench.  Caden had his picture taken there when he was exactly the same age that she is now.
She has so much more hair than he had.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Annabelle's 1st Birthday Party

Annabelle had her 12 month well visit at the dr this week.  She measured 90th percentile for length (30.5"), 80th percentile for weight (23 lbs), and 95th percentile for her head circumference.  Caden was 31" long and 26 lbs, 6 oz at 12 months.  Shows you how big Caden was that he was only a half an inch longer, but 3 1/2 lbs heavier!

We celebrated Annabelle's birthday last Saturday with Mimi, Nana, Papa, Jeffrey, Great Nanny, and Great Grandma.  Annabelle had a good time, and Caden is enjoying playing with all of "his" new toys.  After he took all of her new toys to his room to play with, I asked him what he was doing with all of Annabelle's toys, and he told me, "Annabelle is sharing with me!" 

Annabelle in her birthday outfit.
Opening presents. 

I made Annabelle's cake with a monkey that matched the monkey hanging upside down on her shirt. 

A picture with her blanket.
Annabelle on her blanket a year ago.
Another b-day outfit shot. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sticker pictures

I can't believe we're done with all of her sticker pictures.  Here she is over the past twelve months.