Thursday, March 7, 2013

Annabelle's 1st Birthday Party

Annabelle had her 12 month well visit at the dr this week.  She measured 90th percentile for length (30.5"), 80th percentile for weight (23 lbs), and 95th percentile for her head circumference.  Caden was 31" long and 26 lbs, 6 oz at 12 months.  Shows you how big Caden was that he was only a half an inch longer, but 3 1/2 lbs heavier!

We celebrated Annabelle's birthday last Saturday with Mimi, Nana, Papa, Jeffrey, Great Nanny, and Great Grandma.  Annabelle had a good time, and Caden is enjoying playing with all of "his" new toys.  After he took all of her new toys to his room to play with, I asked him what he was doing with all of Annabelle's toys, and he told me, "Annabelle is sharing with me!" 

Annabelle in her birthday outfit.
Opening presents. 

I made Annabelle's cake with a monkey that matched the monkey hanging upside down on her shirt. 

A picture with her blanket.
Annabelle on her blanket a year ago.
Another b-day outfit shot. 

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