Saturday, November 16, 2013

Halloween 2013

I decided to coordinate the kids costumes this year, realizing this may be the last year that they let me do that.  Caden wanted to be a firefighter, so Annabelle was his fire dog.  She was such a cute little puppy.  A few weeks before Halloween, when she tried on her costume for the first time, she ran all over the house in her dog costume barking and didn't want to take it off.  She had so much fun playing in it that day, I was a little surprised when she threw a fit about wearing it for all of the Halloween festivities.

The day before Halloween, we went with our playgroup to a nursing home and made crafts to give to the residents.
We had a Halloween play date at an area park.  We tried to get all the kids to line up, but it was a little difficult.  Annabelle is kind of hiding in the back left.
Mommy and the kids before another Halloween party.
Daddy and Annabelle.
Our neighborhood had a block party in one of the cul-de-sacs.  After that, we put Annabelle to bed, and I took Caden to a few neighbors' houses to trick or treat with Marty, our next door neighbor.  He had so much fun.  He even got to stay up late to play with Marty and eat a blue sucker before bed. 

Caden's First Soccer "Season"

The girls in our playgroup all signed up for a real league...practice once a week and a game once a week, uniforms, etc.  The boy moms opted for something a little more low key.  Caden, and a few of his friends, played Small Fry Soccer at the local YMCA.  It was perfect, just six weeks.  The first four weeks were practice and learning skills, and then the last two weeks, they played a game.  The first several weeks, Caden insisted that I stay on the field with him.  But by week 5 and 6, he did great.

Caden does a lot of pretend play.  He pretends to be different general people (lawnmower men, construction worker men, etc.), but he also loves to pretend to be Ms Leanna, his teacher at school, and during soccer, he loved to pretend to be Coach Jasmine.  He got a whistle from a birthday party favor bag a few weeks ago, and he wears it around his neck and gives me instructions on soccer.  Here's a pic of Coach Jasmine, Jack, Clay, and Caden.
Caden dribbling the ball down the field.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

One morning during October, the kids and I carved a pumpkin.  The kids had fun seeing what was inside the pumpkin.  Annabelle was determined to carve the pumpkin herself, so it was quite the battle to keep the knife away from her.

Annabelle enjoying her afternoon snack on the front walkway.


So I've been a little MIA on the posts lately. Our 6 month old computer's hard drive failed...ugh! It's been being repaired for the last few weeks. Hopefully, we will get it back soon. I'm not going to upload any pictures from my camera until I get our desktop back, but I'll do a few posts from my phone pic's.

Annabelle started gymastics a few weeks ago. I think she's really enjoying it. She loves to jump, so she loves the time they have om the trampolines. She started jumping on the ground for the first time about 6 weeks ago. I was pretty impressed; that's a 24 month skill, and I think Caden was close to 24 months before he could actually get air. She also loves to hang on the bars. She's a little apprehensive of the rope swing into the foam pit. Caden was scared of this, too, when he was in gymnastics from 25-28 months.

She's pretty darn cute in her little leotards. Here she is waiting for her first class to starts.
Fun on the trampoline.