Monday, June 23, 2014

Jolly Extended Family Vacation: Park City, Utah, Part 3

Wednesday night Brian and I went to dinner kid-free along with Kevin and Kelly.  We took the bus down to Main Street to eat at an Italian Restaurant.

A selfie at the bus stop.
Mine and Brian's food.  These dishes were described as Tapas...the largest portion tapas I've ever seen.  We definitely over ordered. 
The next morning, we took the Town lift from Main Street up the mountain to check out the views.  Annabelle and I rode together.
Caden and Daddy were in front of us. 
The kids again refused the family picture. 
Before 1963, Park City was a mining town.  You can see some buildings related to the mining behind us. 
The big boys decided to try to climb this steep slope. 
And then had fun sliding down on their rears. 
Then of course, the littles had to try, too. 
Annabelle refused a nap everyday.  After "quiet" time on Thursday, we headed up the lift again to do the Alpine Slide.  Annabelle fell asleep on the way up. 
Caden rode down the slide with me.  Here's a selfie at the top. 
Our view from the starting block. 
Daddy and Annabelle arriving at the finish.  Annabelle got off and immediately said, "That was fun!" 
I climbed the rock wall.  I hadn't done that since college. 
I made the kids get dressed up and take a few pictures while we were there.  They were not excited, but after MUCH protest, I finally persuaded them to cooperate.

On our way out Friday morning, we took a family picture in front of the welcome bear at the front of our hotel. 

Jolly Extended Family Vacation: Park City, Utah, Part 2

Tuesday morning in Park City was chilly and rainy.  We headed over to the St Regis to check out their views.  The entrance to the hotel is at the base of Deer Mountain, and then they have a Funicular that takes you up to the rest of the hotel.

Here are me, Caden, and Wyatt on the Funicular.
An attempt at a family photo from the garden area at the upper part of the hotel.  Annabelle wanted no part of the picture.
Our selfie. 
Later that afternoon, it started snowing.   

The next morning, we walked down to the historic Main Street area.  A selfie on the walk. 
Annabelle and Luke got tired of walking, so they hitched a ride. 
We took the trolley from one side of Main to the other. 
Here are the boys in front of the Chinese Theater, where they screen some of the films at Sundance. 
An Annabelle and Mommy selfie in front of the theater. 
The hotel had all sorts of activities each day.  I went to the chocolate tasting one day! 
After the snow melted, they reopened the Alpine Coaster.  Annabelle didn't meet the height requirements, but Caden could ride.  He loved it!  Here we are strapping into our coaster cars.
The view heading up. 
The view as I'm about to make the turn to head down.  The coaster was pretty fast and required both hands on the accelerator/brake, so I wasn't able to snap any pictures on the way down.
After the coaster, I headed up the ski lift to do the Zip Line.  Kevin and Kelly joined me on the ride up the lift. 
At the gate. 
Riding down. 
Views from about halfway down.  It was pretty tame.  Definitely smooth enough to snap a few photos. 

Jolly Extended Family Vacation: Park City, Utah, Part 1

We spent last week in Park City with Mimi, Tia, Kevin, Kelly, Wyatt, and Luke.  It was definitely a fun week, but it was also completely exhausting.  It's rough for the kids to adjust to different time zones, sleeping arrangements, and just the overall hyper stimulation that is vacation.  It is absolutely beautiful there.  The weather was pretty nice, except for the one day that it was freezing and actually snowed, which was a first for me...I had never seen snowfall in mid-June!

On the plane ready to go.

We arrived Sunday afternoon.  After a quick bite to eat, we scoped the activity area out.  Our hotel was right on the mountain with the alpine coaster, alpine slide, zip line, and other activities for adults and kids.  First up for Caden was climbing this slide.

Annabelle loved the Carousel.
Monday morning we headed to the zoo in Salt Lake.  A family selfie at the entrance.
First up...zoo train.

Annabelle loved the otters and this statue.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Annabelle's Toddler Bed

Annabelle started freely climbing out of her crib about a week or so ago.  So we have converted her crib to a toddler bed.  She's been enjoying her freedom, playing quietly in her room until the wee hours of the night.  She's really to the point where she's transitioning from needing a nap :(.  On days she naps, she will play in her room until as late as 9:30.

Here's a picture of the little escapee the first time she climbed out during rest time.
Here she is asleep in her new bed.
It's taken a few days to train Annabelle to stay in her own room during quiet time and bed time.  After repeated trips hauling her back to her room, we resorted to flipping her door knobs around, so that we can lock her in her room, if it's absolutely necessary.  I've only had to do it once, though.  The first night, Caden was fast asleep and we discovered that she had snuck in to play with Caden's toys.
Caden has been playing Small Fry T-ball at the local YMCA.  I think he's been enjoying it.  Here are a few pictures.
Leisurely running the bases.
I love it when Annabelle sits still long enough to do something fun with her hair.  I double French braided it down into a pony tail last little baby doll!

Some rainy day fun with our train tracks. 
Caden is now officially big enough for a booster seat in the car.  We won't start using it all the time for a while, but we went ahead and ordered one to take on our trip to Utah, since it's lighter and easier to travel with than his current seat.  The kids had fun playing in the shipping box.  Daddy drug them back and forth along the hardwoods over and over again.  Annabelle didn't want to break for a picture.