Monday, July 14, 2014

4th of July

We headed to our neighborhood 4th of July parade again this year.  This was our 4th year to go, and the kids had so much fun!  One of our friends lives right around the corner from the parade, so we met at her house for brunch and then walked to the parade.
My friend Sarah was so nice to snap a family picture before the parade started.
An attempt at a selfie...the kids were thrilled :) 
A picture of all the kids lined up before we headed to the parade.  Caden, Annabelle, Asher Thompson, Jack Baker, Belle Hartgrove, Luna Hartgrove, Caroline Purser, Selah Grace Thompson, Cate Purser, Ella Grace Zimmerman, Isla Baker, and Will Zimmerman.  So fun; love our play group friends!
I did a cleanse called "Whole 30" from mid May until Mid June, so we hadn't been out to eat Mexican in ages.  Here are the kids riding the horses last Friday night at Mariano's. 

We have been having a heck of a time transitioning Annabelle to her toddler bed.  It's been pretty horrible.  She refuses to get in her bed or go to sleep until she passes out on her floor from complete exhaustion.  Last Saturday, she was so tired, she fell asleep on Brian at 11am and slept there for 2 hours.  We just ordered a bunk bed for Caden, so then we will move his current bed to her room.  We are really praying that she'll be more willing to get in her "big girl bed", since clearly she has no interest in her toddler bed. 

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