Thursday, February 19, 2015

Valentine's Celebrations

Daddy took Annabelle to her first dance, and she had so much fun!

A few pictures before heading to the dance.

While they were at the dance, Caden and I went on a date to get frozen yogurt.
The kids both had Valentine's parties at their school.  Annabelle wasn't really excited about getting her picture taken :(.

Caden's party was on a Friday, so Annabelle got to join the party, too. 

Hard at work decorating his cookie. 
I took the kids to the Arboretum to take a few pictures in their Valentine's outfits.
Why can't they both look at the camera at the same time? 

So, these are the expressions I got when I said, "Quit saying cheese and smile normal"... Silly kiddos; not exactly what I had in mind.
Me and my babies.  Too bad I can't photo shop Daddy into the photo. 

Apparently, Annabelle is 2 going on 13.  Seriously, when did she get so grown up looking? :( 

Daddy's Birthday

The kids were excited to get cupcakes for Daddy's birthday.

A family selfie. 
Daddy had helpers when it was time to blow out his candle. 
We headed down to Klyde Warren one day last week to say hi to Daddy during his lunch break.  The kids had fun.  Annabelle sliding down a hill. 
Caden had so much fun climbing. 

B-day/Valentine's date night selfie. 
Annabelle and I went to Bake and Play one morning while Caden was in school.  We had the place to ourselves, and Annabelle had so much fun riding Rody! 

A January Trip to the Zoo

It was gorgeous weather the last week of January, so we headed to the zoo one day with our next door neighbors.  The kids always have fun with Marty and Merley!

Marty, Caden, and Annabelle watching the lion encounter.  We've seen the male lions in this encounter before, but we had never seen the lionesses in there. 
It's always fun to see them stand on two legs. 
A baby Giraffe was born at our zoo in November, and we had yet to see him.  Here's a pic of Annabelle, Caden, Marty, and Merley watching the baby in the distance. 

Riding the croc... 
Annabelle and Mommy on the carousel.
Mommy and Caden on the carousel. 
Marty got this truck for Christmas, and Caden just loves it.

January Fun, Part 2

After a certain number of days indoors, the kids start to get a little crazy. 

Being silly dressing up in multiple layers of pj' on the lookout for the "PJ Bandits!"

Annabelle loves to dress up in Mommy's shoes.
One day, it was pretty cold, but Annabelle insisted on taking a picnic to the park.  She had fun, but Caden and I were freezing!
Nana and Papa came over one Friday to go to the Perot with us.  We actually ventured out of the Children's area and I'm so glad we did.  The kids had so much fun!  Caden and Papa playing with the remote controlled vehicles.  
Nana showing Annabelle how it worked. 
The kids had so much fun with this ball track.  

The museum was exhausting!  Despite the fact that Annabelle refuses to nap the majority of the time.  She had no trouble falling asleep about 2 minutes in to our drive home from the museum that day. 
I have been meaning to organize the Christmas cards that we've received over the past few years.  And I finally did it!!!