Thursday, March 26, 2015

Annabelle's 3rd Birthday Party!

We had Annabelle's birthday party on Saturday.  She had a Strawberry Shortcake themed party, just like I had for my 3rd birthday.  She had so much fun playing with her friends.  Annabelle also had her 3 year well visit this week.  She measured 39 1/4" (80th percentile) and 36.8 lbs (93rd percentile).

Helping Mommy decorate the cake.
Me with my cake, and Annabelle with hers.
Annabelle was not very interested in having her picture taken Saturday.  A pic with Mommy and Daddy by the food table.
A family picture. 
Caden had fun running around.
Annabelle taking a snack break.
Time to sing Happy Birthday!

Blowing out her candle. 
All the kids enjoying the cake. 
Another attempt at a family picture at home.  

A picture with Nana and Papa.

Finally time to open presents.

Annabelle loves her new Anna dress and her new Elsa doll! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

New School and Spring Break 2015

We officially have a school home for next year!!!  We were accepted to both of the schools we applied to, and we decided this week to enroll Caden at The Covenant School.  We are really excited to know where we will be next year, and for the years to come. 

We had a low key spring break, since we took our spring break vacation a few weeks early.  We attempted to potty train Annabelle, but she completely refused.  After a week long battle of wills, we threw in the towel.  She can wear diapers until she's ready. 

Becky, my childhood best friend, came in town to visit.  She spent one day at our house.  The kids had fun playing with her.  Annabelle and Becky "racing" scooters.
Annabelle refusing a picture. 
Her second day in town, we met up with Melissa, another friend from high school.  We had a spa day at the Spa at the Crescent.  It was so much fun! 
Then we headed to dinner at Savor. A pic in the lobby of the Crescent.
A pic at dinner. 
Friday night, we went to the Mav's game with a work acquaintance of Brian's.  The kids had so much fun!  They really enjoyed the game.  Usually, they're just continually asking when the dessert cart will arrive. 
The kids got these Mav's glasses when we arrived. 
Neither of them wanted me to take their picture with the glasses on.
Daddy and Annabelle. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

The first week of March we had a snow day.  We got about 6 inches.  The kids had so much fun playing in it. 
Bundled up and ready to play!
Ready to play... 
Our first guy decked out with a Texas hat on. 

No interest in taking a picture with Mommy. 
We made him a friend. 
The Tuesday after her birthday, Annabelle celebrated with her friends at school.  Ms. Clarissa made a sign for her.

Annabelle still has her party to look forward to.  Caden wanted to give her a present on her actual birthday, so he gave her this reversable Frozen doll.  She loves it!  She calls it her "Let it Go Lovie".

Friday, March 6, 2015

San Diego Trip, February 2015

We had so much fun in California last week.  We spent quite a bit of time just hanging around Kevin and Kelly's house recovering from the two days at Disney. 

We barely made it out of town before the winter storm hit Dallas.  The kids had a ton of fun playing with the automatic door at the airport.  Overall, they did great travelling.  On the front end of the trip, our flight was delayed a few hours, so we spent a little more time than anticipated at DFW.

The kids had fun helping in the garden.
Annabelle and Luke had fun playing tea party. 
Tuesday we went to a playground down by the beach.  And then the kids played on the beach for a few minutes before we left.

Annabelle opened her birthday present from Grandpa.

Friday, we took Kelly's car down to La Jolla.  The kids loved watching the seals.  There were so many pups!

Taking in the gorgeous views.

The kids climbed on these rocks for about an hour. 

Unfortunately, our flight home was cancelled because of the bad weather in Dallas.  We spent an extra night, and then we had to drive to Palm Springs to get a flight home.  But we made it, and the kids did great on the drive and the flight home.  Caden, Mommy and Annabelle riding the shuttle bus to our car.