Monday, April 20, 2015

Caden's Lego Birthday Party

We celebrated Caden's birthday at Pump It Up on Saturday morning.  He wanted a Lego party, since he loves Legos so much.

The kids were eager to help decorate the cake Friday afternoon. 
Caden helped with the finishing touches on Saturday morning. 

A selfie after we finish.  The cake is ready for the party! 
Caden and Annabelle waiting for the party to start. 
All the kids inside the bounce area. 
Enjoying pizza.
A family picture in front of the cake.
Caden with his cake.
The cake and cupcakes. 
Singing Happy Birthday!

After the party, we headed home to open presents.  First, we snapped a few family pictures.  Annabelle wasn't too interested in taking this picture...she kept her distance. 

A picture with Jeffrey, Annabelle, Caden, and Papa. 
Caden and Annabelle with Nana and Papa. 
Daddy, Caden, Annabelle, Mommy, Papa, Nana, and Jeffrey. 
Legos from Nana and Papa.
Legos from Grandpa. 
Opening a present with Nana. 

Trolley Ride and First Swim

I took the kids down to ride the McKinney Avenue Trolley a few weeks ago.  They had so much fun!  We parked at Hunt, and then rode the trolley up to West Village and then back down to Klyde Warren.  The kids played there for a while, and then Daddy met us for lunch at the food trucks.

Snacks in hand and ready for a ride!

The weather has been so nice lately.  The pool is still really cold, but we heated up the hot tub a few Saturday's ago.  The kids had fun diving for toys. 

Easter 2015

We didn't make it to as many egg hunts this year, as we did last year.  We did go to the Mops Easter Egg Hunt on the morning of Good Friday.  The kids had fun.

Patiently waiting for the hunt to start.

And they're off.  Not super challenging, since they were all just thrown out into a field. 
A pic with Mommy. 
We made Empty Tomb Rolls.  The kids helped me prep them Saturday night, and then we cooked them Sunday morning.

I took the kids to the Arboretum the week before Easter to take some pictures in their Easter outfits.  I love the Arboretum in the Spring.  The pictures were timed perfectly, as the tulips were still in bloom and the azaleas were blooming, too.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Dinosaur Valley State Park

We headed over to Dinosaur Valley State Park after church two Sundays ago to meet up with Bob, Rebecca, Abby, Jackson, Hallie, James, Nana, and Papa.  Bob and his family were there camping, and we went over to hang out for the after noon.  The kids had so much fun!  Caden has been pretending to make campfires and cook hotdogs for the last two weeks.

Headed down to check out the creek. 
Mommy and Caden selfie while wading in the water.
Annabelle having fun wading.
Annabelle and James checking out the dinosaur tracks.
Jack pointing to the tracks. 
Caden, Hallie, Annabelle, and James enjoying their dinner.