Monday, April 20, 2015

Caden's Lego Birthday Party

We celebrated Caden's birthday at Pump It Up on Saturday morning.  He wanted a Lego party, since he loves Legos so much.

The kids were eager to help decorate the cake Friday afternoon. 
Caden helped with the finishing touches on Saturday morning. 

A selfie after we finish.  The cake is ready for the party! 
Caden and Annabelle waiting for the party to start. 
All the kids inside the bounce area. 
Enjoying pizza.
A family picture in front of the cake.
Caden with his cake.
The cake and cupcakes. 
Singing Happy Birthday!

After the party, we headed home to open presents.  First, we snapped a few family pictures.  Annabelle wasn't too interested in taking this picture...she kept her distance. 

A picture with Jeffrey, Annabelle, Caden, and Papa. 
Caden and Annabelle with Nana and Papa. 
Daddy, Caden, Annabelle, Mommy, Papa, Nana, and Jeffrey. 
Legos from Nana and Papa.
Legos from Grandpa. 
Opening a present with Nana. 

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