Monday, January 11, 2016

Kitchen and Pool Progress

The kids, Caden especially, are really enjoying watching the pool and kitchen construction.  Caden will sit on the patio for hours at a time watching the guys work.

He likes to make himself a comfortable pillow perch to observe from.  Here he is "supervising" the tiling. 

Even with the drop in temperature, he still wants to be out there.  He just curls up under a blanket. 
A view of the pool.
And the hot tub.  

Our new fence is going up this week.  It will be nice to have a full fence after having our back side exposed for the past six weeks.  Here's a pic from this morning with the fence completely down. 
The kitchen is coming along.  The cabinetry was installed last week.  The counters will go in this week, and the backsplash will go in late this week or early next week.  Here are a few pictures.

Annabelle went digging through my purse and found my lipstick.

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