Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March Madness

Caden is so excited about basketball right now.  He loved playing it, and now he is totally into watching it.  He filled out his first ever bracket last week before the tournament started.  Unfortunately, he was a little too biased to Texas teams, and he hasn't fared too well. 

Here's a pic of Caden glued to the tv last Thursday.
Sadly, we had a super rainy spring break.  We went to the Arboretum on Monday with our friends Caroline and Cate.  Annabelle got her face painted with a baby chick.
All the girls with their "chick" face paint. 
The kids being monkeys.  This is a temporary statue display of George Washington.  Sorry for the mauling, George!  
Annabelle has been really into her baby dolls lately.  Her friend Evelyn's Mommy just had a baby, so she's been very observant of what Ms Andrea has been doing with baby Elizabeth.  She asked for me to tie her blanket around her neck, so she could carry her baby, "like Evelyn's Mommy".

Two Sundays ago, I took Annabelle to see Texas Ballet Theater's production of Cinderella.  It was really good, and we both had so much fun.
They had a craft area in the lobby for little girls to decorate crowns.  Mommy and Annabelle in our seats ready for the show! 
Caden didn't have school last Friday because of parent-teacher conferences.  We had a special morning, just the two of us.  We had a coffee date!
I cut the boys hair last weekend.  Annabelle wanted a turn "cutting" my hair. 

Annabelle is trying to read the Bob books.  She's really too young, but it's so cute to hear her try.  She didn't know I snapped this pic.  She was sitting there trying to read, and Caden was in his room telling her what each page said, and then she would repeat what Caden read. 
Caden had his second soccer game of the season last Saturday.  He scored his first ever goal!!!  He's on a team with a few boys from the Fall and a few new boys.  They consolidated down from four Covenant teams in the Fall to three this Spring.  Some boys chose t-ball over soccer.  Caden opted to just play soccer. 
After months of delays and waiting, we finally have a full pool!!!  We filled it with water last weekend.  The kids were so excited to get it, they were playing on the steps before the pool was even full.  They added the chemicals Monday, and we are not allowed to swim until Friday, so we are hoping for nice enough weather this weekend. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Annabelle's Tangled 4th Birthday Party

Annabelle celebrated her 4th birthday with a Tangled birthday party at Pump It Up.  She had so much fun playing with her friends.  And she had fun helping me bake and decorate her cake. 

We baked her cake two weeks before the party.  Then I just stored it in the freezer until I was ready to decorate the night before the party.  Baking and decorating it at the same time would be too much.  Annabelle hard at work stirring the frosting.
A silly pic...
Cakes are ready for the freezer...
The decorating begins the night before the party... 

I had a little help from Caden. 

 It takes several hours, so I put on my pj's about halfway through...  

The tower started shrinking and leaning, so I had to lay it flat all night.  I was a little worried that it wasn't going to survive, so I waited until we arrived at PIU to completely assemble the cake.  Annabelle and Mommy before heading to the party.  

Daddy, Annabelle and Mommy with the cake.
The cake fully assembled in the party room at Pump It Up. 
Annabelle playing.

Caden taking his turn. 

All the kids lined up before we head to the party room.   

A few pics with the cake.

Ready to sing "Happy Birthday"

Annabelle is 4!

I cannot believe Annabelle is already four.  She is fiercely independent and very mature for her age.  She is strong willed and opinionated; at times, she is quite the challenge to parent.  But for as difficult as she can be, she can be even more fun to be around.  She loves to dance and sing!  We are so thankful for her and for the entertainment she brings to our family!

Here are a few pictures in her 4 year old birthday dress.

And her birthday party invitation.
A look back at birthdays past...



February Fun

It has been so mild this winter; the weather has been fabulous for getting outside and playing.  The kids are enjoying it!  We have been savoring our last few months of Caden only being in school 3 days a week.

We went to the zoo to checkout the Lego exhibit.  It's pretty awesome!

The exhibit also has a tent where kids can build with Legos.  Here's Caden's creation.
The kids riding the tortoise statue. 
The kids as Lego ants! 
On slow days, the kids really enjoy catching the encounters.  They got to pet this anteater. 

The kids in the Jeep. 
Annabelle wanted to take a picture of Caden and me. 
One Thursday we had friends over to play.  Perfect weather for painting outside.  Garrett and Caden having fun with orange paint! 
I found a few monkeys climbing trees at the park.  Caden, Tessa, Luna, and Annabelle. 
Both MWF Explorer classes recited Psalm 1 in Chapel a few weeks ago.  Caden is second from the left on the front row.
Annabelle is still taking ballet once a week.  Her class is preparing for their recital in April.  A few weeks ago their teacher let them try on their costumes.  They are Texas Trail Bunnies. 
The pool is nearly finished.  Caden is relishing every last minute of construction observation.  He loved watching them use a hand controlled bobcat to fill dirt in before the decking. 

At times they watch from the patio, but sometimes they prefer to stand in the window sill. 
The kids went to the dentist in February.  Annabelle was super silly and chose a mustache sticker from the toys.
Caden wanted a turn wearing it, too. 
Somehow it ended up here.