Sunday, June 26, 2016

Las Vegas 2016

Brian and I snuck away on a long kid-free weekend two weeks ago.  Nana and Papa stayed with the kids.  It was a really fun, relaxing time!

On the plane ready to go.
We stayed at the Venetian.  A selfie outside our hotel.
Thursday when we arrived, we hit an Asian-Italian fusion restaurant that Brian's friend recommended before we walked around a little bit.  Another selfie inside the shops in Caesar's Palace.

A selfie with the Eiffel Tower behind us.  I should have put my sunglasses on...

We went and checked out the flower display at the Bellagio.

Friday was pretty low-key.  We spent most of the day reading by the pool.  Friday night we went to see Love by Cirque du Soleil.  It was really good.
Saturday morning we rented a car and drove to Red Rock Canyon to do some hiking.  It was beautiful!  Ready to start.

Then we drove to the Hoover Dam.
Looking down at the power plant.
Leaning back over the top.
Looking back at the bridge. 

The cheesy marketing picture. 
A selfie in the lobby of our hotel before we headed to dinner Saturday night. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

First Week of Summer 2016

Caden's last day of school was the Wednesday before Memorial Day.  As much as he loved school this year, he was ready for summer!  The first few days, we just did a lot of nothing...lots of relaxing, coloring, and swimming!

Memorial Day we walked to a carnival that was at the LH Town Center, adjacent to our neighborhood.  The kids had fun playing the games and doing art.  Annabelle going down the slide. 
Caden did a bean bag toss.  
Both kids loved the hamster ball.  This was Annabelle's first time to do it. 
Usually I cut Annabelle's hair, but it's been a little tricky lately to cut it straight.  I think I need new scissors.  Annabelle tried out a new kids salon that just opened near our house. 
It rained quite a bit the first week of summer.  The kids had fun splashing in puddles.

Caden trying to run away because he didn't want me to take his picture. 
The kids went to a camp in our neighborhood with Ms Lowry; one of our old Kindermusik teachers.  This is Caden's 4th year to go to this camp, and it's Annabelle's 2nd.  They love it.  Lowry's helper does an excellent job of taking pictures to send to the parents.  Here are a few they sent.  Annabelle pretending to be a butterfly!
Caden and Alejandro building with Magnatiles. Caden came home asking for Magnatiles.  If he can build with a toy, he loves it!
Annabelle, Caroline, Tessa, and Cate trying to climb a tree.
Caden giving it a shot. 
One of Lowry's neighbors has started a thing to raise money for Colitis & Crones Disease, where they leave a toilet in your yard, and you make a donation to remove it.  The kids thought it was pretty funny to have a potty in her yard. 
Caden enjoying his watermelon.
Annabelle and Tessa dancing to the music. 

Annabelle painting.
Caden painting. 
We ended our week with our first pool party!   Here's a pic of the kids lined up.  Left to Right: Will Zimmerman, Caden, Jacob Murry, Ella Grace Zimmerman, Annabelle, Evelyn Murry, and Addison Overstreet.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Caden's 2015-2016 Explorer Portfolio

Mrs McKenzie compiled many of Caden's projects over the year into one portfolio that he brought home from school on the last day.  For our blog book, I'm going to highlight a few of the projects here.  I love that they prepared this sampling of his learning and work.

Garden of Eden  (Torn Paper Design)
After reading about the Creation and the Garden of Eden in the Bible, Caden created his first piece of art, a torn paper design of the Garden of Eden.
Noah's Ark (Cut Paper Mosaic)
Mosaics are everywhere in art from the ancient times to the present day.  They are also thought to be a good beginning point when teaching art to children because they provide a concept and minimum fine motor ability is required to complete it.
Seed and Bean Collage
Nature provided the inspiration for the seed and bean collage.  As he began his study of observing and enjoying nature, seeds are very intriguing!
Positing and Negative Butterflies
This activity was used to explain the concept of positive and negative space, as well as, symmetry in art (& creation).

Crayon Resist
This builds on the idea of positive and negative space.  The paint resists the crayon and the design shows through.
Roman Arch
The arch was fundamental to Roman architecture and the invention of the aqueduct was the beginning of plumbing and municipal water supply.  He used watercolor to paint an arch and/or aqueduct.
Color Star
Caden made color stars to show how color is made.  First the primary colors are applied, and then the secondary colors are mixed om the star.
Straight Line Design
This work was inspired by one of Mondrian's pieces of modern art.  Line is obvious in Mondrian's work, but it is a fundamental part of design and is used in all works of art.
Castle (watercolor)
As he studied the Middle Ages in History, he spent a lot of time learning about the parts of a castle. 
String Pull
The String Pull is on  of the most fun crafts that the Explorers get to do.  The string pull is another opportunity to talk about symmetry and the role that it plays in art.
Still Life
The Explorers learned that there are 3 broad categories that most art can be placed in: portrait, landscape, and still life.  They looked at art by Cezanne, Manet, and Matissa.  This is Caden's drawing of a setting of items that were placed in front of the class (checked tablecloth, bowl of green apples, stacked books, and flowers).
Painting Under the Table
During his study of the Renaissance, Caden learned about the gifted painter and sculptor, Michelangelo.  Although, the magnitude of his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel cannot fully be appreciated by simply looking at a picture, Caden and his class painted laying on their backs under a table.  After many spilled glasses of water, sore arm muscles, and the frustration of not being able to control their designs as well as they are used to, an appreciation begins to form and they begin looking a little closer at pictures of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  Here is Caden's "ceiling" painting.
Starry Night
Starry Night by Van Gogh is a favorite and a great illustration of impressionist painting.  Here is Caden's interpretation of that famous work of art.
Bubble Prints
After reading the poem Soap Bubbles, the kids looked at Manet's painting Boy Blowing Bubbles.  They learned to blow bubbles using a straw and to make bubble prints using bubbles dyed with different colors.
Lighthouse in Pointillism
The children looked at Lighthouse at Honfleur by Georges Seurat, who is the undisputed master of pointillist painting.  Here is Caden's interpretation of Seurat's painting.
Chalk on Cloth
Many artists have used pastels in their art at some point or another.  There is nothing quite like the vibrant colors and blending that this medium provides.  Here is Caden's chalk piece.
Mosaic Self-Portrait
The children looked at many different self-portraits, and they learned how the artist physically was able to paint himself and what he chose to include.  Caden used mosaic for his self-portrait.
Another project they worked on throughout the year, as they studied the historical timeline from creation to modern day, was a set of drawings representing different periods in history.  Here are Caden's interpretation of "Bible Times", "Ancient Egypt", and "Ancient Greece".
Here's "Roman Times", "Viking Times", and "The Middle Ages".
"The Renaissance"
"Columbus", "The Pilgrims", and "Revolutionary Times". 
"Westward Expedition", "Pioneer Times", and then the book ends with a picture of Caden in his costume for the Exporer's Timeline song performance from Grandparents Day.
Another exercise they worked on was drawing Fairy Tales that they had read.  Here are a sampling of what was in Caden's book.
"Jack and the Beanstalk" 
The Frog Prince. 
 The Fisherman and His Wife.
The kids also had a book where they would draw as they were listening to music.  Here is a sampling of Caden's work from that book.
"Raindrops Prelude" by Chopin 
"Flight of the Bumblebee" by Korsakov. 
"The Nutcracker" by Tchaikovsky. 
"Carnival of the Animals" by Saint-Saens 
"Water Music" by Handel 
"Star Spangled Banner" by Key 
Here is a side by side of Caden's self portrait on the first day of school, compared to the end of the school year.