Monday, June 26, 2017

First Season of Swim Team

We joined a swim team for the first time this year.  I was tempted to sign up last summer, but Annabelle wasn't quite ready for it, and I wanted to wait until they both would enjoy it.  We swam through Dallas Athletic Club.  They absolutely loved it!

The younger kids lined up ready for their first practice.

Annabelle warming up with the kick-board at the first practice. 

Caden's turn to warm-up. 
The first meet was while Brian and I were in Hawaii, so Mimi took them.  A picture waiting for their events.  The results from the first meet at Rockwall were:
Caden: 1st Freestyle Relay
3rd 25yd Freestyle
2nd 25yd Backstroke
Annabelle:  1st Freestyle Relay
5th 25yd Freestyle
The results from the second meet at Northwood CC were:
Caden: 1st Freestyle Relay
4th 25yd Freestyle
3rd 25yd Breast Stroke
Annabelle: 4th Freestyle Relay
A picture of the kids before the meet.
The star swimmer had a minute to cuddle with Mommy between races.
Caden on the starting block for his Freestyle race.
Annabelle ready to start her Backstroke race.
The results from the third meet at DAC were:
Caden: 1st Freestyle Relay
1st 25yd Freestyle
1st 25yd Butterfly
Annabelle: 1st Freestyle Relay
7th 25yd Freestyle
2nd 25yd Butterfly
Here's a video of Caden's Freestyle race.  He came on strong at the end to beat the big kid.  Caden is in the lane by the yellow slide.
Caden's 25yd Freestyle finish.  He won by a hair.
The 4th and final regular season meet at T-Bar-M was a larger meet, as there were 3 teams in attendance, instead of the usual 2.   This meet was fun for the kids because Nana and Papa came to watch, plus there are a handful of Covenant kids that swim for T-Bar-M, so they enjoyed swimming against a few friends.  The kids' results were:
Caden: 1st Freestyle Relay
2nd 25yd Free
4th 25yd Butterfly
2nd Medley Relay (Caden swam backstroke)
Annabelle: 1st Freestyle Relay
6th 25yd Free
8th 25yd Backstroke
1st Medley Relay (Annabelle swam freestyle)
Here's a video of Annabelle's freestyle race.  Annabelle is in the middle lane at the start of the video; she won her heat.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hawaii Trip - Maui

Sunday afternoon, we flew over to Maui to spend our last few days of our trip on that island.

A picture in the hotel lobby. 
A pic before dinner that night. 
We went on a kayaking and snorkeling tour the next morning.  The snorkeling there was great.  We saw some beautiful coral reefs, amazingly colorful fish, and sea turtles close enough to touch.  A pic before we headed out. 
A few kayaking pics. 

The next day we drove up to Haleakala Crater.  It was quite a drive up to 10,000 ft.
Haleakala is a dormant volcano.  The top has eroded away to this baron looking area they refer to as a crater. 
It was pretty chilly up there. 
A pic in front of the door to the observation area.

After seeing the summit, we found a trail to hike that was at a little lower elevation.

The sites along this trail were incredibly beautiful.
We hiked down into a valley.  Here's a picture as we were turning the corner to zigzag our way down. 

A view down in to the valley.
The next morning, we did a little more snorkeling.  And we tried stand up paddle boarding for the first time.  It was fun and super easy. A pic with the board.  I hadn't realized how huge they are.
A few more sunset pictures from our last night there. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Hawaii Trip - Kauai, Part 3

Saturday morning, we drove just up the street from our hotel to walk along Shipwreck Beach.

Ready to start our walk.



It was so windy.  My hat was barely staying on. 

Then we drove over to see the Spouting Horn.

We spotted a sea turtle in the water by the Spouting Horn.  Notice the dark spot in the water in the top left quarter of the picture... 
We also visited Kauai Coffee Company's Plantation and Gift Shop.  I had never seen coffee beans on the tree before.
Brian in the mug.
Laura in the mug.

Sunday morning we went for a jog along the water near our hotel.  I stumbled across this pretty creek.
On our way back, there was a rainbow.

On our way to the airport, we went to see Wailua Falls.