Monday, November 27, 2017

November Activities

Annabelle lost her first tooth the first week of November.  She was sooo excited!!! 

The kids were off school for a teacher work day last week, so we went to the Perot Science Museum.  The current travelling exhibit is Journey in to Space.  The kids enjoyed it. 
The first quarter is over.  I received the following reports from their teachers during our parent-teach conferences. 

Caden wrote a book report on "The Bears on Hemlock Mountain".  His teacher was so impressed with his drawing and neat handwriting that she showed it to all the other 2nd grade teachers. 
Annabelle had her first recitation this month.  She recited the Lord's Prayer. 
Laura headed to Nashville to have a weekend away with friends from growing up.  A pic after dinner the first night: Melissa, Becky, and Laura.
Ready for a hike Saturday morning. 
Laura with her selfies... 

Becky with her action shots! 

After dinner Saturday night! 
Annabelle learned about the Pilgrims one day at school.  She was not excited about me taking her picture...
What a sad Pilgrim. 
Crazy bath hair! 
Another holiday, another Trader Joe's gingerbread decorating kit! 

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