Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February Activities

Caden wrapped up his second season of SVAA basketball.  He had a great season; he was the leading scorer for his team in several games, and his team finished 3rd in their division only loosing 2 games, one of which was an overtime loss.

Brian enjoyed being one of the coaches again this year.  Here's the team photo, back row:  Brian, Cooper Dow, Daniel Crow, Jax Farrell, Eli Daniel, Coach Daniel; front row: Henry Buja, Shep MacFarlane, and Caden.
A few videos of Caden scoring.
I was super busy the entire month of February working on preparing for the school's auction.  One Sunday night, the kids helped me with organizing and filing the donations. 
Annabelle's class, along with the other Tue/Thur class, recited Psalm 1 in chapel. Annabelle is 3rd from the left on the front row.
Caden had a presentation on the sunflower.  He chose the flower, and he had to make a 3d model of the plant, and then he had to present five facts in front of the class.  He did a great job! 
Our Juillerat cousins came into town one weekend for Jack's basketball tournament.  We went and watched one game, and then we went to dinner afterwards to celebrate Jack's birthday. 
Bob coaching Jack's team during a timeout. 
I took cupcakes to Annabelle's class the day before her birthday to celebrate. 
The class singing "Happy Birthday". 
Annabelle's actual birthday fell on a Wednesday, so lucky for her there was no school on that day.  I surprised her with her first trip to the American Girl Doll Store.  It was a rainy day; good thing Violet has a raincoat and rain boots! 
Mimi and Tia surprised her by joining us for lunch!
Annabelle, Violet, and Mommy before lunch. 
Violet gets her own chair at the table.  
Party crasher!  Daddy shows up to surprise the birthday girl! 

A pic with Daddy after lunch. 

 Poor Caden had school and missed out on the party.
Annabelle opened her present from Grandpa on her birthday.  It was a Calico Critter school.  Funny thing we discovered when we put it together...
The bulletin board lists birthdays, and Annabelle's name is on there! 

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