Sunday, October 7, 2018

Adventure Princesses and Baylor Game

Annabelle and Daddy headed to their first Adventure Princess campout at Camp Grady Spruce the first weekend of October.  So Caden and Mommy decided to head to Waco for the Baylor vs. K-State football game.
Caden watching one of the bears pace.
We sat with Hallie, Jack, James, Bob, and Rebecca.  
The game came down to the end, but the Bears won! 
The girls spent a lot of time hanging out on the top bunk! 
Annabelle and Bailey Shannon on the hike. 
Annabelle and Daddy at the top of the hike.

The girls participated in a tug of war.
The girls had so much fun doing 3 legged racing.  Audrey Thomason and Annabelle ready to race!
Hannah Ratliff and Annabelle ready to race. 
Then they made it a 5 legged race.  Hannah, Audrey, Annabelle, and Bailey ready to go. 
A video of the 5 legged race.

Bailey, Annabelle, and Zoey Seale ready to ride horses.
Bailey and Annabelle ready to shoot off their rockets.
Audrey and Annabelle with their rocket.


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