Friday, October 4, 2019

State Fair and Campout Weekend

One of the other moms in Annabelle's class goes up to school and takes a bunch of pictures.  It's so nice.  She took a few pics and sent them to me.  One of Annabelle with her friend Audrey Thomason.

All the girls in her class: Zoey Seale, Audrey, Lily Thompson, Annabelle, and Anais Arcucci. 

A class photo, back row: Cameron Colquitt, Jonah Simmons, Damien Cummings, Carl Morriss, Hutch Giddens, David Roberts, and Hamilton Raindl.  Front row:  Audrey, Zoey, Lily, Anais, and Annabelle. 

The class with Ms. Barnett. 

Annabelle and her friend Hadley Sullivan dressed up their dolls for soccer before their game. 

Annabelle and Brian went to a friend's lakehouse for a daddy-daughter weekend.  A pic in the car on the way there: Annabelle, Bailey Shannon, and Audrey. 

The girls ready to go tubing: Annabelle, Abby Hawk, Ann Holland Crow, and Zoey Seale. 

Bailey, Audrey, and Annabelle ready to get on the boat. 

Caden and Mommy went to the State Fair of Texas for the Annual Hunt Family Picnic, which Brian and Annabelle were away.  Laura and Caden with Big Tex. 

Caden in the petting zoo. 

A ride on the swan paddle boats. 

Demo has begun on the house.  This is Annabelle's room, looking back at what used to be the closet and what will be her bathroom. 

Down to the studs in the removal of her closet. 

The walls coming down in the upstairs playroom to open that room up. 

Working on taking the pillars out to put up the support beam. 

The support beam for the opening from the living room to the dining room is up in the foreground.  In the background, you can see that they have removed the wall in between the living room and kitchen.  There are temporary support 2x4's up until the metal support beam is installed there. 

The master bath has been opened up and new framing has begun. 

They're working on the flooring in what was the storage room and what will be the master bath. 

Their school pictures turned out great! 

More action pics from the photographer mom in Annabelle's class. 

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