Saturday, June 27, 2020

June Activities

 We are slowly unpacking boxes and settling in at the new house.

The kids had a virtual swim meet.  They timed them at the end of practice and compared them to one other team.  A picture of Caden doing fly.

Annabelle had her friend Hadley over for a swimming playdate.

I decided to put together a faux orchid arrangement.

I also took a stab at putting together a faux succulent arrangement.

The finished product.

One of Caden's friends has an older brother that put on a sports camp at their house.  The Covenant boys that attended: Preston Wilson, Caden, Andrew Collins, Henry Buja, Adam Thomason, and Everett Horan.

A teenage girl from Covenant put on an American Girl camp.  Annabelle had fun, and made this tent and s'mores for her dolls.

Wyatt and Luke were in town for a few days.  Carlee really wanted to go roller skating.  Caden roller skating.


Tia, Kelly, Mimi and the kids.

A pic of the kids with Brian for Father's Day.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Pirate Musical Theater Camp

 The Grammar school music teacher at school lives in our neighborhood.  She offered a musical theater camp that Annabelle and a few of her friends did.  Annabelle had so much fun, and they did a performance at the end of the week.

She shared a few pictures throughout the week.  Laura Darley in the background.  Left to right: Audrey Thomason, Lily Thompson, Hadley Sullivan, Annabelle, and Bailey Shannon.

Mrs. Davidson (Mrs. Smith's friend) and Mrs. Smith in the back.  Left to right: Annabelle, Hadley, LIly, a first grader, Audrey, Laura, Bailey, and the lone boy, another first grader.

The last 30-45 min of each day was spent swimming.

The Friday performance was so cute.  A few pictures from the performance.

A video of a few of the songs.

At the end, Mrs. Smith told each child why they were special and what characteristics she enjoyed watching them display.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Moving Day

The long anticipated moving day has arrived.  The kids are so ready to live in our new neighborhood with so many school friends a bike ride away.

The moving truck in our driveway.

Annabelle's new bed has been put together, and the rug is down.  She is excited!

Annabelle swimming with Jace and Bailey Shannon.

The kids helping clean and ready the kitchen as we were unpacking.

The doll stuff has taken over the landing area.

The backsplash went in a few days after we moved in.  It's finally in, and I love it!

Our freezer was somehow lost in transit, so we are still waiting on our side by side fridge and freezer.  Good thing we have a small fridge in the laundry room.

The ballet barre and pull up bar are up in the gym.

Annabelle and her friend Laura Darley.  Laura used to live in LH, but moved to Northwood Hills a little over a year ago.  Annabelle is so excited to be close to her again.

Swim team looks very different this year.  They have shortened the practices to have fewer swimmers in the pool.  And kids can only share a lane with their siblings.  But we are thankful to have any form of it at this point.  Most clubs around town aren't offering any team this year.