Saturday, June 27, 2020

June Activities

 We are slowly unpacking boxes and settling in at the new house.

The kids had a virtual swim meet.  They timed them at the end of practice and compared them to one other team.  A picture of Caden doing fly.

Annabelle had her friend Hadley over for a swimming playdate.

I decided to put together a faux orchid arrangement.

I also took a stab at putting together a faux succulent arrangement.

The finished product.

One of Caden's friends has an older brother that put on a sports camp at their house.  The Covenant boys that attended: Preston Wilson, Caden, Andrew Collins, Henry Buja, Adam Thomason, and Everett Horan.

A teenage girl from Covenant put on an American Girl camp.  Annabelle had fun, and made this tent and s'mores for her dolls.

Wyatt and Luke were in town for a few days.  Carlee really wanted to go roller skating.  Caden roller skating.


Tia, Kelly, Mimi and the kids.

A pic of the kids with Brian for Father's Day.

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