Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December Activities

We have made it to December.  Our number one goal right now is to stay healthy for Nutcracker.  Several school friends have COVID, so we are trying to be extra careful.  

The kids always enjoy their advent calendars.  Caden has a Star Wars Lego one this year.  Annabelle didn't really enjoy her Lego one from last year, so I bought an advent calendar that I can fill with American Girl Doll things.  Here's a pic of Caden opening one of his days.

I haven't documented much of the house yet.  I decided to take a few pictures of Annabelle's room and bathroom this week.  This is the bath we added.

We put that door in and added the closet area to her secret room.

It's jam packed with toys.

We got the kids school pictures.

The living room with Christmas decorations up.

I was one of the hosts for an auction party that was scheduled for this week.  We had to cancel, but all the guests are still going to get their goodies.  It's taking over the dining room, but we are ready to bag all 40 favor bags.

Caden's class had a recitation this week.

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