Saturday, October 9, 2021

Start of Nutcracker Rehearsals

Our schedule has freed up a little bit, as of the last two weeks both kids have decided to quit swim team.  With the transition to middle school, which brought on increased daily homework, and then Dallas Elite basketball, Caden just didn't have the time.  Then Annabelle decided with her adding Dallas Elite basketball this year plus ballet class twice a week, and now Nutcracker rehearsals once a week, she doesn't have time for it, either.

Annabelle was cast as a Soldier this year, and her preschool buddy Belle Hartgrove is one, as well.  Here's a pic of them before their first rehearsal.

Ads in the Nutcracker program are a big thing, so I put together the Covenant girls' one this year.

And then one for just Annabelle.

Bear just got another round of shots, and he weighed in at 6lbs. 

I got him this cocoon bed at Costco.

Annabelle loves Bear!

Bear loves it when we give him a little freedom to roam around, but we have to watch him like a hawk because he will go potty in the house.

Bear being mischievous getting into things in the pantry.

Annabelle getting some Bear hugs.

Bear likes to play with the tennis ball.

He's not too sure about taking pictures.

Field trips are back this year.  Here's a pic of Annabelle's class at their service project.  Far back row: Riley Loftin, Audrey Thomason, Blake Morton, and Cohen Pace.  Middle row: Beckham Farrell, Odin Elkinatanani, Katherine Kingsriter, Jonny Klienfelter, David Roberts, Stella Stimson, Presley Bass, and Liv Larson.  And then Annabelle in front.

Just the girls.

Some perspective on size to see how big he is getting in comparison to our shoes.

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