Monday, February 28, 2022

School Auction and Annabelle's Birthday

Laura has been hard at work on the auction again this year for the 5th strait year.  Sadly, we didn't get any pictures of Brian and Laura together in their "Totally '80's attire".  Here's a pick with Hilary Baker and Laura by the past chairs thank you banner.

Angie Buja, Lindsey Walker, Robyn Tilger, Laura, and Mel Conner.

Somehow Laura missed the 6th grade mom picture, but here's a pic with some of the 4th grade moms.

A pic of the auction team.

We can't believe Annabelle is 10!   We won't have her party for a few weeks, but we celebrated with a cupcake this past weekend.

Nana and Papa were in town to celebrate.

Annabelle's SVAA team won the end of season tournament.  Brian took over coaching the girls this year, since Caden is no longer playing SVAA.  Back row: Brian, Annabelle, Elena Forsythe, Audrey Thomason, Hadley Sullivan, Finley (Makenna's soccer friend), Makenna Cleary, Mike Cleary, and then Sophia Lee in front.

Laura took Annabelle lunch and the class treats on her actual birthday.  A reluctant pic with Mom.

Annabelle got the American Girl bowling set for her birthday, and Caden enjoyed a game with her.

Caden brought this home from school.  Each kid in his Latin class was assigned 3 other kids to use one word to describe them.  His peers chose, diligent, thoughtful and self-controlled.  A very accurate description.

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