Sunday, May 29, 2022

End of 4th and 6th Grade

 I can't believe we are to the end of another school year.  The 6th grade boys celebrated the last day of school with a pool party.

Annabelle had her end of year party in her classroom.  They played some fun/silly games.

A reluctant pic with Mom.

A pic with her teacher Mrs. Sosnowski.

Girls having fun at lunch!  Left to right: Emma Coley, Annabelle, Elena Forsyth, Lily Pace, Presley Bass, and Makenna Cleary.

A silly pic with their senior buddy.

Caden enjoyed another season of baseball.  There were two 6th grade boys teams, but both were a little short handed.  Here's a pic of a partial team dinner at the end of the season.  Left to right: Beckham Farrell, Sam Serold, Coach Dow, Caden, Cooper Dow, Coach Knight, Henry Buja, Jax Farrell, Coach Tilger, and Garrett Tilger.

Annabelle with her Elite team at her last volleyball game.

I took Caden to the Big XII baseball tournament in Arlington the weekend after school got out.  A group of his friends and a few other parents went along, too.  It wasn't too crowded, so we had great seats.  We watched Texas play Oklahoma State in the first game.

A camera man was right in front of us, so the boys ended up on the big screen a few times.

Watching warm ups between games.  Left to right: Daniel Crow, Garrett Tilger, Henry Buja, Caden, Clive Rowland, and Jax Farrell.

We moved to different seats for the 2nd game we watched, K-State vs. OU.  A pic with Mom.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Mother's Day

 We took a few pictures for Mother's day.

The 6th graders had a field trip to the George W Bush Library.  A pic of the whole class.

The volleyball coaches hosted an end of season party for the girls.  Fun in the hot tub!

The 4th graders did a historical figure presentation this year.  Annabelle had Abigail Adams.

This was our first year for Logic Awards Night.  It was mostly for 7th & 8th graders, but 6th had to attend, as well.  Caden was recognized for his award at the Truth, Beauty and Goodness Art Contest.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Logic Shakespeare Festival

Caden had fun at his first Shakespeare Festival.  I was in charge of one of the game rotations.  Here's Caden playing the game.

A pic with Mom.

After all the field activities, the kids went on a mask parade through the Grammar decks.

Caden with his mask on.  You can see the basketball on the side.

The 6th graders had a concert during Fine Arts night the evening of Shakespeare Festival.

Annabelle is wrapping up her first volleyball season.  She played on a Dallas Elite team that was semi-competitive, and then she played rec with school friends.  She's a great server, and she was consistently getting overhand serves in by the end of the season.

Then a pic with her school team.  Coach Seale in the back, and then Hannah Ratliff, Annabelle, Abby Hawk, Katherine Kingsriter, Audrey Thomason, and Presley Bass.  Front: Zoey Seale, Hadley Sullivan, Lilly Stueve, and Lisette Kelly.