Saturday, May 7, 2022

Logic Shakespeare Festival

Caden had fun at his first Shakespeare Festival.  I was in charge of one of the game rotations.  Here's Caden playing the game.

A pic with Mom.

After all the field activities, the kids went on a mask parade through the Grammar decks.

Caden with his mask on.  You can see the basketball on the side.

The 6th graders had a concert during Fine Arts night the evening of Shakespeare Festival.

Annabelle is wrapping up her first volleyball season.  She played on a Dallas Elite team that was semi-competitive, and then she played rec with school friends.  She's a great server, and she was consistently getting overhand serves in by the end of the season.

Then a pic with her school team.  Coach Seale in the back, and then Hannah Ratliff, Annabelle, Abby Hawk, Katherine Kingsriter, Audrey Thomason, and Presley Bass.  Front: Zoey Seale, Hadley Sullivan, Lilly Stueve, and Lisette Kelly.

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